Life in marriage is certainly the most difficult part. When all the dreams and all the prospect of marriage have gone, when the follies of engagement have passed, then we are faced with the reality. Many are those who, from the first days, start regretting and wondering why they got married. This shows that happiness is not in marriage, but instead in the fear of God.
As for you, beloved, who are not married yet, do not think that you are unfortunate. Rejoice instead and make the most of your freedom to serve the Lord. And for you who are already married, and who are regretting, this is no longer the time to regret. Regretting would not be the right thing to do; you would simply be getting discouraged at the foot of a mountain that you must climb.
The only thing that you have to do now is to look at the glory of the Lord which awaits the overcomers, and put on the amour of God that will make you stand firm till the end because he who endures to the end shall be saved. I pray that the Lord help you to revive your marriage because you have learnt your lesson in a very hard way.
These marriage teaching is specially dedicated to the bachelors and spinsters who are presently looking unto God for marital breakthrough. And in this marriage teaching we are going to adapt our lesson from the marriage seminar course headed by "
Pastor Myles Munroe" in his message title
“Single But Not Alone”. So I advice every singles to take held to the teaching and impact it into their lives because marriage isn’t a child game.
Single But Not Alone By Myles Munroe:
- Advantage Of Been Single — Series 1.
- Advantage Of Been Single — Series 2.
- Advantage Of Been Single — Series 3.
Myles Munroe |
Singleness is a myth. What I mean by that is this; you and I have been taught by society and the church that isn't good to be single. The pressure that defines even in the church makes you feels uncomfortable if you are unmarried. As matter of fact, as soon you turn 25 years old, the old people in the church will begin to wonder whether your are straight.
And they will begin to ask you questions like "So when are you going to get marry? You found anybody yet? Are you going to old maid? Are you homosexual? And they begin to pressure you, to make you feels like something is wrong with you because you are single! (They call it). So you get this idea that you're not complete until you are married. That is satanic and it's un-scriptural and un-biblical.
Most of people who i knew, who are not marry are not happy with this state. I have come to make you happy of been unmarried. And am going to show you from scripture that "God desire is for you to be single, not only now but for the rest of your life"
The reason why my marriage is working so well is because i am still single. I was attracted to my wife because she was single and she was attracted to me because i was single. And we have enjoyed our marriage life because we are both still single (there is your mystery).
Now, the next picture you're going to see is my wife and i getting marry again, (isn't she lovely, wonderful and precious?) She is my girl, my baby and my love. We're so madly in love. That is my girl right there! That is how you look after 26 years of marriage.
The number one source of stress among human is relationship. 90% of the problems in the church and community are related to relationship, children not getting along with their parents, parents not getting along with their children. Girls not getting along with boy, husband not getting along with wife, wife divorcing husband, pastor not getting along with member, member been offended by pastor. Citizen angry with politician, politician confused about citizen — all relationship problems!
And even though stress is caused by relationship, everyone is challenged by mystery of human relationship. The key to successful relationship is "knowledge" Here is a scripture that you should remember for the rest of your life because this scripture has protected me as a single unmarried man when i was a teenager. Proverb 24:3 "By wisdom a house is built and through understanding it is established and through knowledge it rooms are filled with beautiful treasure"
This statement made by Solomon almost 4,000 years ago is the secret to a successful home and successful relationship and successful marriage. (Please Note) Solomon said "the secret to a successful relationship is not Kissing, holding hands, sex or love" As matter of fact, he doesn't even mention "love". Most of the people who get divorce still love one another. "Love doesn't keep marriages together". If your parents are divorce, am telling you now, they still love one another.
The problem is this, they couldn't live with one another. So when someone tells you they love you, that is no guarantee that your marriage will work with them. Love is not a guarantee for a successful relationship. I know you're shock at that but that is the truth.
As a pastor of larger church in my country, I counsel 100's of people every year and they sit in my office with a divorce papers in their hands and i look at them across my desk. And i wonder (what are you doing here?) And the man will say to me "Pastor i can't live with her" and i ask him "Do you love her? He says "Yes" and i will say "Then why are you divorcing her? "She is crazy"
But you love her, "yes" and i ask the Lady "do you love him? (Sobbing) "yes" Then why divorcing him? "He is a beast" But you love him! "yes". And every case is the same. So it isn't "love" that is the problem. They just cannot live together. That is why your mother and father got divorce. They got marry because they love one another, and yet they split apart. Not because of hatred but rather because "they did't know how to live with other person"
So, Solomon is right, "through wisdom a house is built and through understanding it's established and through knowledge it rooms becomes a pleasant place to live" Some homes are so full of stress that people don't want to go home and that is why they stay in church. So much pressure in that house; they decided to hide in prayers meeting to avoid going home.
Some times the house is so full of tension, people walk around and don't talk to one another. They sleep back-to-back, they are nervous of speaking in the house. That isn't a house full of beautiful treasure. That is a house full of pains, conflicts and stress.
And Solomon said “The reason why a house so full of stress is because the individuals in that marriage lack wisdom, understanding and knowledge" They don't lack Love and Sex. Young people, older and unmarried listen to me "Marriage is not a solution to your problem" You got this funny idea, that you are gonna find someone to marry and you finally be happy — I disagree!. (to Be Continue In Second Series).