Dr. Maurice Rawlings, MD, a heart surgeon, has written a number of books on the death experience and clearly shows from his own practice and from the experiences of his patients, that not everyone goes to the light when they die, where there is total love. Many of his patients, after being resuscitated on the operating table, spoke about hell.
Documentary on Near Death Experiences.
I looked like road kill. He was gently putting His hands underneath me and tenderly picking me up. As He was touching me, all the wounds, pain and dirt just goes away. It just evaporated away, and I was whole and healed. And inside, just filled with His love. I wish I could explain it. It’s frustrating not being able to tell people about it because it was the best thing that ever happened to me in my life, it was everything.
It was the ALL of life to know that love, and I just can't reveal that to you. So He’s holding me, embracing me, rubbing my back, like a father would his son, like a mother would her daughter, just gently rubbing my back. I am balling like a baby out of happiness; from being lost and now found, being dead and now brought back to life. He’s carrying me out of there, and we just flew out.
We were moving towards a world of light, and I began to have thoughts of tremendous shame. I’ve been so bad, I thought of myself as dirt, garbage and filth. I thought to myself, “He’s made a mistake, I don’t belong here, He doesn’t want me.” How could He care about me, why me, I’m bad. Then we stopped, we weren’t in hell, we weren’t in Heaven, we were in-between. He said, “We don’t make mistakes, you belong here.” We began to converse and He was telling me things.
He brought over some angels who went over my life from beginning to end. They showed me what I had done right and what I had done wrong. And it was really simple. When I had been a loving kind person, considerate of other people, it had made the angels happy, it had made Jesus happy, and they let me know that it made God happy.
When I had been selfish and manipulative it made the angels unhappy, it made Jesus unhappy, and they let me know it made God unhappy. What they were trying to convey to me, in a nutshell, was that my whole purpose of my existence was to love God and love my neighbor as myself. That is why I had been created, that is what I was in this world to do and to learn. But I failed.
They told me that I needed to come back to this world, and I got really upset because I wanted to go to Heaven. What they told me about Heaven was that it was the most fun, most interesting, and most wonderful place. Everyone would want to go to Heaven and I wanted to get there. They said that I was NOT ready, that I wasn’t fit, it wasn’t my time to go to Heaven.
It was my time to come back to this world and try and live the way that God wanted me to live, the way He created me to live. I told Jesus and the angels that I couldn’t live in this world without them. I said that my heart would break if they sent me back to this world. They’d be there and I would be here. They said to me, “You don’t get it? What is the matter? We are showing you all this. We’ve always been there. We’ve been with you all this time. And you’ve never been alone down there.” I said, “You’ve got to let me know that you are around once in a while.”
So they said if I prayed and confess my sins to God, if I give what I had to God, meaning to give my worries, cares, hopes, and my dreams, just give it all up to God, then there would be times when I would know in my heart that they are there. Not necessarily seeing them, but I would feel the love like I felt then. I told them that if they will assure me that there are times when I can know that love, then I could live in this world. They said they would do that, then they send me back.
After the experience, the nurse who’d said that they couldn’t find a doctor, she ran back to the room and said that a doctor has arrived. at the hospital which is like this is pretty miraculous stuff because this is like around 9 or 9:30 at the night. She said “the doctor has arrived at the hospital and we are going to do surgery on you right away.”
And some … people came in and they through my wife out of the room. It is very disturbing because I was trying to tell them I wanted to tell my wife what had happened to me. So when I pass my wife on the hall on the path to the surgery, I said everything is going to be great. And she just started thalling(?) …, that is like a dying man.
Strange thing about this experience is the memory hasn’t dull at all. It is real tense and I don’t know it stays tense. I believe one of the reasons that God gives me this experience is that I would have the opportunity to share it with someone. I don’t know who and I never know who. But I would have the opportunity to share with somebody so it could be a help to them.
=== Street Interviews ===
John 14:6 "I am the Way the Truth and the Life, no man comes to the Father but by Me.
[Random Person on Street #1 (Man)] I don’t believe there is a Hell. I do believe there is
a Heaven. Somehow there has to be more to this existence than just a
short period of time on the Earth, there’s got to be something following it.
[Random Person on Street #2 (Man)] I
believe that everyone will pay for what they do in life. I don’t
necessarily believe in what the Bible says about Hell being a fiery inferno, I
believe Hell is just your worst fears and everything that can be evil in your
own perception, you pay for - for eternity. And Heaven is just where you
live the rest of your life in peace as long as you love God and live for God
and live by His Word.
[Random Person on Street #3 (Woman)] I do believe
there is a Heaven, definitely there is a Heaven. I’m not sure so much
about the Hell. How do you explain Hell. However, Heaven Yes.
Random Person on Street #4 (Man)] I don’t
think its necessary that you attend church to go to Heaven, or that you believe
in the bible, but just live a good life. Hell is reserved for just a few
really bad people, maybe somebody who might commit murder intentionally. Murder
is probably the only thing that you would wind up in Hell for.
[Random Person on Street #5 (Woman)] I’m not
really sure what would lead you to Hell, or why you would go to Heaven. I
wouldn’t know.
[Random Person on Street #6 (Man)]I think
there is not really a Heaven or Hell, just an afterlife. I don't know
exactly what it is. I not sure what there is, but I think there is some
sort of middle, or limbo, or purgatory where everybody goes. Its neither
really comfortable or really traumatic.
[Random Person on Street #8 (Woman)]I
believe in my own kind of belief which is more of a metaphysical belief.
I believe however you feel on Earth, how you view Heaven, what it is, it’s your
own conception. So it becomes that way when you die. So if you
believe that there is a god source in you, and that you are a good person, and
you’re a happy person, that is what happens to you after you die.
But I
don’t believe that you’re penalized, and you go to some place full of fire,
because you didn't live your life the way organized religion thinks you
should. A random survey reveals that many people do not believe in a true Heaven and Hell. Many of those who do believe these places exists, have different ideas on how a person gets to one place or the other.
Many people are trying to dilute the message of hell and heaven saying that neither of these places exists. Why not eat, drink and be merry? If there is no accountability, then there is no sin. And if there is no sin, Christ died in vain. And if Christ died in vain, what do we need God for? This is the new philosophy of New Age, that there is no hell. It is a hope of most people that there is no hell. Volunteers are going into hospitals, to visit our loved ones, with the New Age message.
It is called the religion of the ending years, the religion of near death experiences. “Look, I went to heaven”, they tell the patient that is dying, “I saw the light and I came back. All is well. There is no accountability, there is no hell. Heaven’s gates are open wide for everyone who dies. Look at me. I am an atheist and I am here. You don’t have to worry.
Death is nothing to be feared. I am going to stay with you. Your family is too afraid to stay with you while you are dying, but I'm not. Let me hold your hand. Let me tell you about this glorious thing that are coming to get you, this beautiful light at the end of the tunnel where there is no worry, no loss, only gain. You are acceptable as you are. There is no heaven, there is no hell. It is eternity for all."
This is the new age philosophy called the Omega Faith, where everybody goes to heaven. There is a group of these people coming into our hospitals, consulting the dying, instead of our church groups consulting the dying. Ministry to the dying is the most neglected ministry of all. Nobody wants it. Everybody is afraid of a dying patient.
And the dying patient wants to know what dying is all about. Does it hurt? Is there a life after death? Is there a Heaven and a Hell? How can I make sure that I am going to get to heaven? And you can tell them it is a free gift. You can tell them how to get it. But if we don’t defend ourselves against the Omega faith, who are infiltrating the hospitals now with a faith that is deadly, then we are going to lose our own Christianity. The patient will die naked without any faith at all.
=== Dr. Donald Whitaker ===
Our next case is of Dr. Whitaker who is still in practice, but was atheist at the time of the incident. He had nothing to do with God, but there was a situation that changed his life. We’d like you to experience it with him.
It was February of 1975, at that time I was an alcoholic out of control. I was also using recreational drugs. But primarily, alcohol was my drug of choice. I was totally out of control. I had a lot of friends in the entertainment business; Ringo Star and a bunch of other people.They were having a TV special on the west coast. Hoight (a friend) had called me and asked me if I would like to go. I told him that I would love to, because I knew there was going to be a lot of booze, and partying. While they were doing their special, I was doing my thing.
After about three or four days out there, I became ill. I had severe pain in my abdomen. I flew into Oklahoma city, called a senator friend of mine, and asked him to send a car for me because I was sick. They sent a car and took me home. And I checked into Whatley hospital in Texarkana, Texax in February of 1975. I checked in with electrolytes, which means that the chemicals in my body were so far out of balance that they had to give me IVs to build me up.
At that time of my life, I was atheist. I was hard core atheist and was living for myself. Atheists are self centered, they live for themselves. This is where I found myself in 1975 in my hospital. After 3 days they operated me. Later, I found myself in the intensive care on a respirator, which means it was breathing for me. I couldn’t speak. I’ve been there in a comma. I heard these people talking about how sick I was and how I was going to die and how I wouldn’t get out of the hospital. At that time my hair was very long because I just wore my hair long.
And I heard one guy say, “My, his hair is long.” And another guy said, “Not nearly as long as it is going be before he gets out of here.” And the third voice said, “He's not going to get out of here. He's going to die.” And after 3 days, I could breath on my own. I remember my doctor, my surgeon, Dr. Donald Dunkon said to me, “Don, if you have anything to get right, if you have anything to get signed, you get it done because we are not sure how long you have.”
I knew I had a condition which is that was called Acute hemorrhagic narcotic pancreatitis. You don’t live with this disease. You could live with pancreatitis. You could even live with Acute pancreatitis, but you do not live with Acute hemorrhagic narcotic pancreatitis. Dunkon had told my two sons that I would be dead before morning. They didn’t expect me to survive.
I was laying there, a professed atheist. I didn’t believe in God. I believed in the power of the universe because I’ve seen it. As a physician, I’ve dealt with life and death. I believed in something, but don’t talk me about God. And surely don’t talk to me about resurrection, virgin birth or these type of things because I am in research and science.
The Majority of PHDs in research and science don’t believe in God. They do not believe a supreme being. They are beginning to believe there is an order in the universe because the further along we go, we see the order. It is very easy to be an atheist when you are successful.
You have worked your way from Oklahoma welfare to be one of the most powerful men in your part of the country – one of the most powerful men in the state of Oklahoma, politically. It is very easy to be an atheist when you have done all of that. A man could sit back and say "I don’t need God. What is God?"
But it is very difficult to be an atheist when you are lying on the death bed, because you began thinking "what if these people are right?" There had been one man named Ron Short, that stood between me and the gates of hell. One man had witnessed to me about the love of Jesus for 5 years, before I became ill. I would debate him and I liked him, because he did what he said he was going to do. He was the only one that I saw that profess to be Christian and lived what he said he was going to do. I really respected him. I didn’t believe what he said but I respected him.
When I was lying on my death bed and knowing that I was going to die, guess who I thought about? I thought, "what if Ron is right? What if there is a Heaven and a Hell." Almost immediately the most pressing thought in my mind is how do I get saved. What is saved? How do I get saved?
So I sent people out to get Ron Short. I wanted him to come down because I wanted him to do whatever he had to do. I had no idea how a man hanging on a tree in Israel 2000 years ago could save me. What is that to me? But I knew he had something that I had to have. That night Ron wasn’t home, he was in Alabama. So I had people go and get Ron.
That night was the longest night that I’ve had in my entire life, before or since. As I am laying there in bed, I had begun to fade away into darkness. It was so, so dark. It was like the darkness just penetrated into your very being. I can tell you that I left my body because I remember coming back into my body. I don’t know where I was out of my body.
There are people that talk about a light, or floating above, a feeling of warmth or love. I didn’t feel any of that. I felt none of that. I felt untold terror, untold terror. I knew that if I went all the way, if I slipped all the way, I would never get back. In my being of beings I knew that. So I fought all night long. They told me later on that I not only pull the mattress cover off the mattress, I put the mattress upon me. I had to stay, I had to wait till Ron got there. Whatever he had to do, I had to wait.
But again when I would leave my body, I would be going down into deep dark terror. My skin began to get cold. Not the kind of cold you feel when you walk out in the air, no, this was bone chilling cold. And I could feel the coldness began to come up my legs. Again I would begin to leave my body and would be in the darkness, in that void. I remember one time entering back my body, I felt my body thud, my physical body thud. Believe me, believe me, that was the most horrifying terrifying experience that I had ever encountered.
I fought all night long. The next morning around 9:30 or 10 o’clock, Ron came in. He said, “Dr. Whitaker, what do they say are your chances?” I said, “Ron, they tell me I have none.” He said, “Now is the time.” I said, “You're right.”Before, I had cursed him, I had spit on him, but now it was the time because I had to have whatever he had. I had a short period of time left on earth and I didn’t have any idea when I might make that trip and go all the way.
At that time Ron simply led me in a sinner’s pray. I had no idea what a sinner’s prayer was, but I trusted Ron. He led me through the sinner’s prayer and told me that Jesus had died for my sins. He had died for the sins of the world. I didn’t quite understand that. He showed me in the word of God where that was written.
You have to understand that I am a man of books. I’ve spent big part of my life, 25 or 26 years of life in books, all types of scientific books. I have degrees in Chemistry, all the way up to medicine doctor to practical medicine. He told me and I believed him because it said so in this book. It was a new book to me, it was called Bible. I had Ron lead me, and I said the sinner’s prayer. I can tell you one thing, there was a peace that came over me like I have never known.
I’ve searched for that peace in the bottles, alcohol, needles, drugs, and women. I’ve searched for it in all type of places. But there was no peace in my life. But once I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and savior, I was no longer afraid. I still believed I was going to die because I knew the condition I had, and you don’t survive it. I knew that, I am a physician.I knew what I had you did not survive.
Ron showed me in the word of God where it says, “These signs shall follow those that believe. They shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover.” (Mark 16:18) I walk around on planet earth this day, taking no insulin, taking no enzymes, eating whatsoever I want, and everyday God produces in my body the correct material for me to function without having to take medication. When you see blind eyes open, you see the cripples walk, you see the leprosy cleansed, and you see them with your own eyes, then it doesn’t take a rocket science to figure out that Bible is true.
=== Dr. George Rodonaia ===
How can the various stages of Hell have different aspects to people? The Bible doesn’t say it is all fire. If you look at different places, it says
“with worms that cannot die”
Most of it is flame. Seeing the angels of light can be deceptive in some cases. For instance, 2 Corinthians 11:14, it tells us that even Satan can change himself into the angel of light and deceive many. Which light did these people see at the end of the tunnel, especially if it was someone that didn’t think they deserve to be in Heaven? Those things do occur.
Strangely enough the opposite does not occur. Those that saw themselves in Hell knew exactly where they belong. And there was no question why they were put there. In fact, Christ talked about this Himself in Mathew 25. Jesus also said that if Satan cast out Satan, how would his kingdom stand? (Mathew 12:26) Meaning, why would Satan show people that there is a Hell, that would work against his kingdom and his lies. No, impossible.
As an angel of light, Satan can deceive many. But this variation that they see in Hell, whether it is total darkness or whether it is fire, both are places where they never want to visit again. This brings us to the case of Dr. George Rodonaia, a young Russian fellow, very intelligent. He came with a Ph.D and an M.D, but had trouble with KGB. He couldn’t get out of Russia. In fact when he tried to get out of Russia, he was purposely run down by a KGB agent, who drove on the sidewalk in order to run him over. This is how he died and where his story begins.
As a psychiatrist and a neuropathologist, for me God never existed. I never believed in God. I never believed in the Bible. I never thought about God, the Bible or divinity. In 1976, I was 20 years old, I was already a doctor working in Georgia, Russia.
I met a lady from Texas. I tried to leave the country many times. But I didn’t have much help. This lady tried to help me and I got in big trouble with the KGB. I worked on “idenotintriphosper”, it is a neuron transmitter in our brain. With the conjunction of "Oxitocin", I discovered several things.
I was an important scientist and KGB didn’t want me to go so they decided to kill me. That is how I got into another dimension of my life.
I was standing on the sidewalk, ready to depart to NY, waiting for cab, when a car on the sidewalk hit me. I flew in the air 10 meters, and then the car ran over me. My friends and relative took me to the hospital. The hospital staff, friends of mine and 2 other professors declared me dead. On Friday night, they put me in the morgue, in the freezer.
Three days later, they took me out. So on Monday morning they began my autopsy. These 3 days of being out of my body, seeing everything that was happening around, seeing myself, my body, seeing my birth, my parents, my wife, my child, and my friends. I saw their thoughts. I saw what they were thinking, how their thoughts move from one dimension to another.
It was incredible experience. I was in darkness, total darkness. The darkness was pressing. This darkness existed not beyond, but it existed within. What I want say is that the darkness was pressing. And I was in the middle of this fear and I did not understand why and how this darkness existed. Where was I?.
I understood that I didn’t have a body because I didn’t feel it. Then I saw a light. I went through a little hole into that light. But the light was so powerful, so burning. You cannot compare it to anything. No words can explain it. The light was so burning, going through flesh. I didn’t have a body. That was the most interesting part.
And I was scared of the light, I wanted to go into the shade to save myself from this light. What is that light? I don’t know. It can be called the light of God, it can be called the light of Life. But light is light and darkness is darkness. As a psychiatrist and scientist, I did not think about that. The only thing was that I was in light.
We were not raised in God’s way. You know about the Soviet Union, we didn’t go to church. There were people who went. But they were some kind of limited people. We thought they didn’t know any better that there was no God. But those 3 days of being in the morgue, the freezer, changed all my life.
They begin the autopsy, and started to cut open my chest. That was the first incision, then I opened my eyes, and they saw that my pupils were convulsing, getting smaller. When they saw that my eyes were reacting to light they knew I was alive. They put me back to the hospital and began resuscitation.
My lungs were collapsed for a long time so I was put on a respirator for 90 days. My recover did not happened fast, but the life did came back. They discovered was that the life was there during the autopsy, but not all my organs were working. It was hard work for nine month being in recovery, it didn’t happen immediately, but the life was there. But the doctors had to help me survive and help me to regenerate my health and organs.
When I came back to life, a lot of different experiences had happened. I experienced a lot of rejection, a lot of fighting with others. But nothing could change my mind, I knew my destination, I knew my way. I decided to leave the country, and this lady from Longview Texas helped me move to the United States. We went to Texas and continue to live there today.
Sometimes things are beyond our grasps. But I don’t try to explain it all because I know and I believe that God knows better. I believe that I don’t need to explain everything. But why it was shown to me and why was I chosen? It was a question that I honestly didn’t care about. I care that I deeply believe in a God of love and God is love. And I believe God created everything for betterness and for an incredible future if we don’t ruin it.
And now I want to show you CPR. We said we’d show you how to start somebody’s heart up again and to start their breathing up again. You do it with your bare hands. So first you see if the person is alright. Maybe she is intoxicated. Will she will talk to you? Maybe she just bumped her head. You immediately look, feel and listen if she is breathing. Is the chest is moving, nostrils moving? Is any air exchanges felt? If not, immediately go to the airway, forget the heart, only work on that after the airway.
You unobstructed the airway by lifting the chin, pointing to the ceiling. This straightens out the windpipe. Then you close her nostrils so your air in her mouth will inflate her lungs. You give her 2 quick breaths. And see if her diaphragm rises. And if it rises, it is an unobstructed airway. But if it is still obstructed, you go back to give 2 more breaths and reach down into here mouth to unobstructed the airway.
If her heart is not breathing, you determine that by not listening with your ear but feeling on the carotid artery pulse on either side of the Adam’s apples, bom, bom, bom. If you do not feel that, then after the 2 quick breaths, 2 inches above the xiphoid, either part of the breastbone, diaphragm, lower part of the breast bone, you plant the heal of one hand, supplemented with the heel of the other. Push your weight down on her.
This is the critical moment in life. If you can catch people before they die and give them the option of accepting Jesus Christ as their personal savior, then they can’t loose whether they live or die. That is with them forever. And when they die like this, we don’t have to question where they went. And the preacher will be right when he says they are in Heaven. She went to heaven to be with God. But for those who die on the street, where do they go? It is the minister’s fault, your fault and mine because we did not approach them with the Gospel which is the free gift to anyone that wants it.
All of these Hell experiences had one thing in common. Surprise! They didn’t know there was such a place. Will you find it as surprise? Will I find it as surprise? Or will we be prepared? Hell is nothing new. It has always been there. These people just discovered that when they died and came back. They want to tell you about it.
[Dr. Rodonaia] And I experienced what is love, what is faith, what is hope. And all these 3 are wisdom of God. Don’t go to hell. Please. I beg you. Don’t go to hell. It was not prepared for you. It is not God’s will that any people should perish. I didn’t know this. I didn’t know the love of God. All I knew was hatred, violence, and abuse. But there is one that cares. His name is Jesus.
[Dr. Whitaker] The prayer of faith, the prayer of salvation, is not some little prayer, is the only way to the Father. And that is the only way. Now all of these people in the New Age movement that believe that everybody is going to heaven, that you can worship anything, you can worship a flee, you can squeeze a tree, you can worship a crystal, you can worship a star.
I got news for them, they are not going unless they accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, because the word says the only way to the Father is through the Son. And who is the Son? He is the word made flesh and came and dwell amongst men. The word is the way to the Father.
[Charles McKay] If you are saved, you are saved, if you have accepted Jesus. It is the best thing that ever happened in my life. If you want to have a life after this one, you better accept Jesus.
[Howard Storm] Do not put it off for tomorrow, for any reason, because you might die this very moment. You can feel Jesus’ presence with you, today, in this place in this time. Make a choice. Not tomorrow, not tonight. Make a choice right now. Are you going to give your heart over to Jesus or not? Revelations 3:20 "Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me.
[Dr. Rawlings] Friends, you’ve heard the evidence. This is the closest you are going to get to making a decision. Is there a life after death? Are these people that were presented to you turning their whole lives upside down for nothing, or because there IS a heaven and a hell?
Have you made the decision in your own life? Do you know if you died tonight that you will be with God in Heaven tomorrow? And remember the quote from. Revelations 3:20, Behold I stand at the door and knock. God is knocking right now. If you hear me, open the door and I will come in. I WILL come in, not might come in, and fellowship with you and you with me.
It means you come dirty, just like you are. He will fellowship with you and tell you how to clean up your life. And meanwhile in exchange, give you this free gift of eternal life with Jesus Christ because you are one of His. You are now a Christian. John 11:25-26 "I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me shall live even if he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in Me shall never die"
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If you wish to escape the eternal fiery burning torment of HELLL FIRE inorder to make HEAVEN, you must accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal saviour today because tomorrow is never promised. You must restitute and confess all your sin unto God and also ensure you joined “ a Bible Believing Church for more spiritual growth” However, if you are a Christian and still indulges into various kinds of sins such as......
Envy, anger, unforgiveness, lying, hatred, malice, murmuring, gossiping, stealing, taking or giving bribe, exams malpractice, fraud, smuggling and robbery. Perhaps you into masturbation, fornication, adultery, prostitution, Lusting after MONEY and SEX, abortion, lesbianism, homosexuality, kidnapping, ritual killings and assassination; You must confess and repent today.
Perhaps you into drunkenness, fighting and quarreling, alcoholism, smokers, divorcee, polygamous marriage, occultism. Consultaton of native doctors for charms making. PRAYING in the name of MARY or any Saints or Angels, BOWING DOWN or HONORING THEM. You must renounce all these abominables and plead for God's mercy
Perhaps as a Woman you still given-in into vile affection "CHANGING THE NATURAL USE OF YOUR BODY INTO THAT WHICH IS AGAINST NATURE" Therefore indulging yourself into worldly fashions, dressing in transparent clothes, wearing of mini and tightly skirts or WEARING OF TROUSERS (pant). Exposing your breast, lapse to seduce men. Painting lips, fixing attachments, weave-on, jewelries and earrings. Making-up, putting on extra eye lashes, piercing of noses, tattoos, nails fixing and body bleaching
You must repent, dispose and burnt them off and ensure you maintain your natural beauty because unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God.
Remember; your soul is precious and was costly purchase by the Blood of Jesus Christ and you can't afford to lose "yours" in Hell for the next billions and trillions of years in ETERNITY with eternal sorrow, tears, anguish and hopeless of ever coming-out due to mere pleasure and fashion of this world that PASSETH-AWAY which you can easily forsakes NOW and run to Heaven.
Oh Heaven; a place of an everlasting joy, without tears, sorrow and neither pains but rather filled with happiness and God's glory. Please my beloved, "Don't Miss Heaven" and I pray to see you in that Glorious City very soon. Please Say Below short prayer and get right with God today.
Dear Lord Jesus Christ; I admit that I am a sinner. I have done many things that don’t please you. I have lived my life for myself only. I am sorry, and I repent. I ask you to forgive me. I believe that you died on the cross for me, to save me.
You did what I could not do for myself. I come to you now and ask you to take control of my life; I give it to you. From this day forward, help me to live every day for you and in a way that pleases you. I love you, Lord Jesus, and I thank you that I will spend all eternity with you in Jesus name i pray. Amen