Dr. Maurice Rawlings, MD, a heart surgeon, has
written a number of books on the death experience and clearly
shows from his own practice and from the experiences of his patients,
that not everyone goes to the light when they die, where there is
total love. Many of his patients, after being resuscitated on
the operating table, spoke about hell.
7:13-14 "Enter through the narrow gate, for the gate is wide and the way is broad
that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it.
For the Gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there
are few that find it"
Documentary on Near Death Experiences
[1st Witness] There are people that talk about light, there are people that talk about floating above, there are people that talk about warmth and love, I didn’t feel any of that, I felt none of that. I felt untold terror. It is very easy to be an atheist when you’re successful, but it’s very difficult to be an atheist when you’re laying on your death bed.
[2nd Witness] When I came to, Dr. Rawlings said my hair was literally standing on end.
[3rd Witness] It was an incredible experience to see that there is life beyond life.
[4th Witness] So I called out into the darkness, “Jesus, please save me!” Because I was either going to Heaven or Hell, there wasn’t anything else.
[5th Witness] Hear the voice of one that has heard the screams.
Everyday people, like you and me, living their lives one minute and the next
they lay dying, having never known or believed the message of salvation.
They traveled from this world to one beyond, but what they found was pure
terror. They returned and these are their true stories. Renowned Cardiologist and Author, Dr. Maurice Rawlings will take you on a
journey that few have ever spoken of. This may be your only chance to safely go to Hell and Back.
This is a study on life after death. All through history man
has predicted life after death. All bibles are based on life after death,
all religions. But where are these? Who has come back to show us that
there is life after death?
Now through modern resuscitation methods,
bringing the heart back, bringing breathing back, we can now bring a whole
population of people back to talk to us about what’s on the other side of death.
See what you think about some of these cases that we are going to present.
The good ones are a dime a dozen, because people love to tell about the
wonderful experience they had after they died and came back.
The Hell experiences are somewhat embarrassing.
It’s an F on the report card, a slap in the face from God. We have some cases of
people who will tell you about their own hell experiences, so that you won’t
have to go where they went. We mainly want to teach you how to restart the
heart; restart the breathing, on someone who has recently died. Notice
that death is reversible; you have 4 minutes of viable time before the brain
cells start dying because of the lack of blood flow, and before rigor mortis
sets in.
I have seen 2 deaths, where resurrection was
required, something that man can NOT do. We can only do resuscitation,
something God has permitted us to do. How many hell experiences, have had
a person's conversion and salvation while they were on the floor, and the person
then only remember the good experiences? This was not the case in Ronald
Reagan (Not associated with X-President Ronald
Reagan) He had his little boy with him while going to
a 7-11 store, he got into an argument, and there was a bottle broken, and he was
stabbed multiple times by his assailant.
In 1972 my life was broken. I was a drug addict. I was a criminal.
My family was broken. My wife had filed for divorce a couple of times.
My children were afraid of me. I really couldn’t hold a job, my mental
state was terrible. It was in this frame of life that I took my 6 year old
son to a little market to purchase some things.
On the way in, I met a
gentlemen coming out the door. An argument erupted and before I knew it I
had hit him and knocked him down. He fell into a pile of bottles.
Some bottles broke and immediately he leaped up with a broken bottle and began to
stab at me. I lifted my left arm to try and stop the blows, and the bottle
severed my biceps muscle & the major arteries in my arm. I was bleeding to
death in a matter of seconds. But full of anger, hatred and rage, I kept
fighting and it kept bleeding. My little son was screaming, he was
The owner of the 7-11 store came over and said
that if I didn’t get to a hospital, I would bleed to death in just a few
minutes. So he took me in my own car to the hospital. When we
entered the emergency room, I was barely conscious. As the medical staff
began to work on me, I could hear their voices, they were saying, “We can’t
help him. He’ll have to be transported to another hospital. Probably
we’ll loose the arm.” By the time they loaded me into the ambulance, my wife
had arrived and went with us in the ambulance.
as they pulled out of the parking lot of that hospital, a young paramedic looked
down into my face, and I could barely see I was so weak. He said “Sir,
you need Jesus Christ” But I didn’t know Jesus, I didn’t know what he was
talking about, so my reaction to that was to begin cursing. And again he
stated to me, “You need Jesus!”
As he was talking to me, it appeared that the
ambulance literally blew up in flames. I thought it had actually blown up.
It filled with smoke and immediately I was moving through that smoke, as if
through a tunnel. After some period of time, coming out of the smoke and
out of the darkness I began to hear the voices of a multitude of people.
They were screaming, groaning and crying. But as I was looking down, it
appeared like a volcanic opening. I saw fire, smoke and people inside of
this burning place. They were screaming and crying, they were burning, but
they weren’t burning up, they weren’t being consumed. Then I began moving
downward into this opening.
Elaine Reagan]
He was thrashing, just thrashing about, moaning and groaning. It was like
a battle was going on. I wasn’t a Christian at the time, and I didn’t know
anything about spiritual battles. But it was scary to me because I could
feel it. It was like light and darkness. It was like he was fighting
against something. I didn’t know what, but now I know, he was seeing the
vision of hell.
But the terrible thing was that I began to recognize many of the
people that were in these flames. It was like a camera lens was showing me
their faces, close up. I could see their features, I could see their
agony, pain and frustration. A number of them began to call my name, and
said “Ronny, don’t come to this place, there is no way out. There is no
escape if you come here, no way out.”
looked into the face of one man who had died in a robbery attempt, he had been
shot and bled to death on the sidewalk. I looked into the face of two
others who had died drunk in an automobile accident. I looked into the
face of others who had died of drug overdoses, that I once partied with.
They showed agony and pain, but I believe that the most painful part was the
utter loneliness. The depression was so heavy, that there was no hope, no
escape, there was no way out of this place. The smell was like sulfur,
like an electric welder, the stench was terrible.
In my life, I had seen people killed, I had
been involved in fights where people were killed. I’ve done time in prison
for manslaughter. I grew up in a reform school, and in a jail cell.
I was beat unmercifully as a child by a father who had temper and alcohol
problems. I was a runaway at 12 years old and I felt that there was
nothing in this world that could frighten me. My life was wrecked, my
marriage was wrecked, my health was wrecked. But now I was seeing
something that scared me to death, because I didn't understand it.
And as
I am looking into this pit, this place of fire, screams and torment, I fade out
into blackness. When I opened my eyes, I was in a hospital
room in Knoxville, Tennessee with my wife sitting by. There had been
multiple stitches put into my body, my arm was spared. I had almost 100
stitches. I looked into the face of my wife. I wasn’t concerned
about where I was, or anything around me. All I could visualize was what I
had just seen.
[Elaine Reagan]
He had this funny look on his face, and it was a terrifying look.
And he said, “I don’t really know what’s happening to me, but I’ve been in a
terrible place.” And I kept telling him “you’ve been in the hospital,
you’ve been in the hospital all this time.” And he kept saying, “No, I’ve
been in another place. I don’t know exactly what is was, but it was a
terrible, terrible place.”
could still hear the screams. I could still smell the terrible smell.
I could still feel the heat, and I could still hear the voices of people that
I’ve known screaming for me to go back. Through the days to come, I tried
every way to get that out of my mind. I tried to get drunk, I could not
get drunk. I tried to get stoned, I could not get stoned, I tried
everything that I could to get this off my mind and I could not.
morning, several months later, I came home to where my wife was. I had
been trying to get drunk, but I couldn’t. When I walked in the house and
went back to the bedroom, the light was on. My wife was sitting up in bed,
and she had a large book open on her lap. She looked up at me and her face
was literally shining. And she said, “Ronny, tonight I accepted the
Lord Jesus Christ as my savior,"
She didn’t have to say a lot to me, our life
had been filled with agony. She grew up in Chicago; her father was a
bartender on the South side of Chicago. She knew nothing about God, or
church or religion. The pain showed on her face, the wrinkles that I gave her
from my abuse, violence, alcoholism, and drug addiction. Sometimes I would
be gone for months of time, and she and the kids would have no idea where I was.
But now her face had changed. The wrinkles were literally gone, a
smile had replaced the sorrow and agony. She looked at me and said, “Jesus
saved me tonight. Would you go with me and hear about this man called
Jesus.” I thought to myself, “I tried everything else in life,
nothing has worked for me. The people I love the most, my wife, my children, I’m
terrible to them." So I agreed to go with her.
couple of weeks later on a Sunday morning, November 2, 1972, just before 12 am,
a minister stood to read from the bible. I was sitting in the back of the
building, I didn’t know anything out of the bible. I didn’t know how to
act at church. But the minister stood to read from the bible, and he read
from the Gospel of John. He began to read these words “behold
the lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world.”
When he said “the Lamb” he had my attention. Any other passage wouldn’t have meant
anything to me, but when he mentioned “the Lamb” he
had this hard hearted sinner’s attention.
when I was 9 years old, a very poor child in the mountains of eastern Tennessee,
with a father who only knew anger, abuse and alcohol, a neighbor had given me a
baby lamb. And I had to walk two miles to catch the school bus. One
day coming through her yard she stopped me and said, “Son I have a gift for
you” and she showed me this baby lamb.
I took that lamb home with me, it was my
friend, the only friend I felt like I had. It was such a friend, in the
days and weeks to come it followed me, and it would meet me when I got off the
school bus. It came walking through the woods and fields to meet me.
evening as I came home, the lamb was missing. I heard my father cursing
and screaming, he was working on an old model car, changing a flat tire by hand,
the old way. I tried to walk around him because I didn’t want to be
cursed. I tried to bypass him, but when I got on the other side of
the car, I looked down and there was my lamb with blood all over the white wool.
There was a tire rod sticking in its body.
lamb had come around just wanting to be curious, and in a drunken fit of anger,
my father had plunged the tire iron through that lamb. When I saw my lamb, my friend, dead, I began
to scream. I ran into the woods screaming, “he’s killed my lamb, he’s
killed the lamb!”
At 9 years old, hatred and violence took over my
life, possessed my life. From that point on, I was never ever the same.
By 12 years old I was a runaway. I was in the Juvenile system, arrested
time after time. I had no respect for authority. I hated anyone that
represented authority over me. By the time I was 15 years old, I had been
in Jail for car theft, for stealing. At 15 years old I was sentenced for
manslaughter; being involved in a car accident that had killed some and left
others crippled. At that time I wondered if life would ever hold anything
for me.
But when that minister mentioned “The Lamb”
he had my attention. He said that Jesus Christ was God’s lamb, and He died
and shed His blood so that whosoever wants to, can have a new start. They
could be forgiven and start over. That morning, as I stood to try and leave the
building, I thought, “I don’t want anybody to see me cry. I haven't
cried since I was 9 years old. I’m not afraid of any living thing on this
Earth, and no one is going to see me cry."
turned to leave, but instead I started down the aisle toward the front of that
building. I didn’t know the sinners prayer, I didn’t know the Roman road
of salvation. But my prayer was this, “God, if You exist, and Jesus, if
You are God’s lamb, please, please kill me or cure me. I don’t want to
live anymore, I’m not a husband, I’m not a father, I’m no good.” And at that
instant, it was like the darkness and the blackness left my life.
Then the
tears began to flow and for the first time since I was 9 years old, the tears
did run. The guilt left my life, the violence, anger and the hatred left
my life. And Jesus Christ became Lord and savior of my life that morning. After that wonderful morning when I gave my
life to Jesus Christ, I didn’t know what would
happen. God healed my mind, my memory, the drug addiction; the alcoholism
was instantaneously gone, delivered. And from that moment I knew I had to
tell the story of what had happened to me. My life was only spared to tell
others about the place that I had seen, and the hope of Jesus Christ to save
mankind from this terrible fate.
[Dr. Rawlings]
we are again wondering whether hell is for the bad guys or the good guys.
I would like to introduce the subject OBE (Out of Body Experience) and NDE (Near
Death Experience). You know what clinical death is, where the heart stops,
breathing stops, but then we start life again. Restart the breathing and the
Heart, and a person comes back from death to life. A reversible situation
before rigor mortis sets in.
But Out of Body Experiences and Near Death
Experiences are entirely different. Near Death Experience are like if I
hold a gun up to you and say “give me your money.” You may get
scared to death (a near death experience), but you don’t get anywhere near
dying. Almost near car crash accidents, are near death experiences, but there
is nothing involving stopping the heart beating or stopping breathing.
And yet,
most of the authors that write books on this subject are including OBE and NDE
without clinical death. We are just investigating clinical death, where
people actually die and come back to life. Now Out of Body Experiences is a way to get
there without dying. How would you like to find out what death feels like,
without dying?
Deep hypnosis can get you there.
You can go see a guru over in India,
learning meditation techniques with a mantra.
You can have chemical hypnosis.
You can go Skrying with a crystal ball.
You can have electrical stimulus of the
[Please don’t
get involved with any of theses.]
There are many ways of getting out of the
body, to experience life beyond the body, separating the spirit from the body.
This is the definition in the Bible, when the spirit separates from the body.
But we are talking about a permanent separation, not a man-made separation.
And we are not talking about NDEs or OBEs, we are talking about clinical
death. This is where the great majority of people have true
=== Charles McKaig ==
One of the cases is Charles McKaig, a 57 year
old mail carrier. He was having chest pains. We took him to the
office; put him on the tread mill, until he got his chest pain again. He
was attached to an EKG. (Electrocardiogram/heart monitor), the EKG went
haywire. We knew he had chest pains, but before we could stop the machine,
he dropped dead.
But when he dropped dead, he had a very
peculiar situation. He convulsed like most people do when they first die
and the heart stops providing blood to the brain. His eyes rolled up, he
turned blue, he stopped breathing. The nurse started an IV and I started
an external heart massage. The strangest thing happened, when I stopped
resuscitating to put in a pace maker.
Charles McKaig |
When I came to, Dr. Rawlings said my hair was literally
standing on end, and my eyes had already started dilating. I was
absolutely scared to death, I was horrified. My life was very normal, I partied a lot.
I had joined a church at a young age, because of my parents. I really
didn’t realize what church was about, or what accepting Christ was about.
Early one morning at work I had walked to the
local clinic in my hometown. At that time I thought I might be having a
heart attack. So then I met Dr. Rawlings. He kept me for about
3 or 4 days. And then he gave me a stress test. I remember while
taking it I felt like I really wanted to get off, and that was the last thing I
remember of that.
When I came to, Dr. Rawlings was giving
me CPR, and he asked me what was the matter, because I was looking so scared.
I told him that I had been to hell and I need help! He said to me, “keep
your hell to yourself, I’m a doctor and I’m trying to save your life, you need a
minister for that.” As he was giving me CPR, he was trying to install a
pacemaker with the other hand. And I would fade out every so often, so
then he would focus CPR again and bring me back.
I was soon
floating in the air, watching what was going on, looking down. Whenever I
would come back to my body, I kept asking, “Please help me, please help me, I
don’t want to go back to hell.” Soon a nurse named Pam said, “He needs
help, do something!” At that time, Dr. Rawlings told me to repeat this
short prayer. “I believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Jesus,
save my soul. Keep me alive. If I die, please keep me out of hell!”
After that, the other fading out experiences
were very pleasant. I saw my stepmother, my mother. My mom passed
away when I was about 5 months old. I never saw a photograph of her.
My stepmother passed away about 10 years ago. I did not have any contact
with them. All I could remember was that they kept their hands reached out
to me. I’ve heard it said that you couldn’t carry
money with you, and when I was with my mother and stepmother, I saw they had no
pockets. I know that sounds weird but I was trying to remember everything
I saw.
that, I remember walking down a lane that had colors on both sides, brilliant
colors. I had a little experience in Art, but nobody, not ever Rembrandt
could reproduce those colors, they were so bright. There was this light
that surrounded me, I believe it was the Holy Spirit. It surrounded me and
took care of me. I’ve never felt so good and so safe in my whole life.
[Dr. Rawlings]
After this was all over, I realized what really happened. It
was a double conversion. Not only had this make-believe prayer converted
this atheist on the floor, it had also converted this atheist doctor that was
working on him. (Dr. Rawlings pointing
toward himself) That is the only reason I
can appear to you now, to tell you that there is a life after death. And
it is NOT all good.
of you can tell the difference between simple fading, clinical death and
biologic death. Take the case of Charles McKaig. He was on the
treadmill and I could tell that he was in clinical death. He had a
startled question on his face, he was about to ask the question and was looking dumbfounded at me.
As he was walking on the treadmill I noticed that his
heart had stopped and his breathing has stopped. He was still walking and
talking for a minute or two before the lack of blood to the brain caused him to
drop dead. He was dead and didn’t even know it. I should have told
Soon we started clinical death treatment, CPR. We started the heart up again, we started the breathing again and he came back.
This was clearly clinical death. Now biologic death would have occurred if
4-6 minutes time had passed after clinical death.
Because of the lack of
oxygen to the brain, the brain cells die; they are the most sensitive cells in
the body. Then rigor mortis sets in and the person becomes stiff as a
board. And now we need resurrection, only God can do resurrection.
We can only do resuscitation. Something we are permitted to do.
Howard Storm was an art a literary professor
who was in Paris with his class, when he suddenly had a stomach rupture, ulcer
rupture, peritonitis, shock, sudden death, clinical death, resuscitation, and
hell experience.
was a 38 year old college professor, teaching art. I had taken my students
along with my wife around Europe. We had just done a 3 week tour, and this
was the next to the last day. While we were in Paris, at 11:00 am, I had a
perforation of my stomach. When this happened it was the most acute pain I
had ever experienced in my life, and it just dropped me right down on the
ground. So I was twisting, screaming, moaning, kicking and yelling around
on the floor, and my wife called the emergency service.
A doctor came and got an ambulance because he
knew what was wrong. The ambulance took me 8 miles across town to a public
hospital. I was then taken into the emergency room and examined by 2 more
doctors, who knew exactly what was wrong with me. Then I went into
surgery. But because there was no surgeon available, I
was just parked there to wait. So I lay there for 8 to 10 hours in that
hospital with no medication, no examination, no attention what-so-ever, waiting
for a surgeon to come and give me a critical operation.
Now it 8:30 at night and a nurse came in and
told me that they were very sorry that could not get a doctor for me and that
they would get one the next day. When she said that, I knew it was over
for me, I knew I was dead. The only thing keeping me alive was that I
didn’t want to die. I knew I was an atheist, a non-believer, a person who
lived for their own gratification.
Next to the pain, dying was the worst thing
that could happen to me because it was the end of life, and there was no more,
nothing else. But when she told me that no surgeon was available until the
next day, the idea of trying to exist for another minute or another hour with
this pain was not worth it anymore. I had been hanging on in the hopes
that they would get a doctor and do the surgery, open me up and fix the problem.
But when they said they could not get a doctor, I said to my wife that is was
time for us to say good bye because I’m going to die now. So she got up and put her arms around me, she
told me how much she loved me and I told her how much I loved her, it was really
sad. We made our good byes. We said those things you say after you’ve been
together for 20 years.
finally sat down because she knew it was over, and I knew. It was so hard
looking at her crying like that, so I closed my eyes and just let go. I
went unconscious. I was probably unconscious for only a short while, a few
minutes probably. Then I was conscious again. I opened my
eyes and looked and I was standing up next to my bed. I knew exactly where
I was, and what the situation was, there was no confusion in my mind. I
felt alive, more real than I’ve ever felt in my life. People asked me, “were
you a ghost?” I was just the opposite, I was very alive.
As I am looking around the room, I notice that
there is something underneath the sheet on the bed, a body. So I bent over
the bed to look at the face and it looked like me. But that wasn’t
possible, I’m alive, I’m great, I’m more than alive. So I tried to talk to
my wife, but she couldn’t hear me or see me. I thought that she was just
ignoring me. So I got very angry at her, for ignoring me.
So I’m screaming and yelling at her, “Why
is there this body in bed that looks like me? How did it get there?” I had a
sneaking suspicion that the body was me, but that was too scary to think about.
So I’m getting really agitated and upset, because this is all too weird.
This can’t be happening, it’s impossible; I got a hospital gown on, and
everything is very real.
I hear people calling for me outside the room,
speaking in soft gentle voices. “Howard, you need to come with us now.
Come quickly, come out here.” So I went to the doorway of the room.
There are people outside in the hallway. The hallway is dank, it’s grey,
not light or dark, it’s just grey. All these men and women dressed in
grey, in what might be considered hospital uniforms. I asked them if they
were from the doctors to take me to the operation room. I told them all
about my situation and how I have been waiting. They keep saying, “We
know, we know, we understand. Howard come quickly, come with us, we’ve
been waiting for you.”
left the room which was really clear and bright, and I went into the hallway
which was dank and hazy. I followed these people; we had a very long
journey. There is no time, and when I make a reference to time, it’s just
an illusion because there was no time in this place. But this place, if I
was to recreate it, I would have to walk from Nashville to Louisville
(175 miles, 281 km) to
recreate the walk with these people.
we walked they stayed around me, kept moving me on, and it kept getting darker
and darker. They were becoming more and more openly hostile to me.
At first they were syrupy sweet to get me to go with them. Then when I was
going with them they said things like, “hurry up, keep moving, shut-up, stop
asking questions” It got more ugly.
So we get into complete darkness and I’m
absolutely terrified. These people are very hostile and I don’t know where
I am. I said, “I’m not going with you any further.” They said, “You’re
almost there.” We started to fight and I was trying to get away from them.
They were pushing and pulling at me. There were now a lot of them.
Originally it had been a handful, now with the darkness it could have been 100s
or 1000s, I didn’t know.
were playing with me. They could have destroyed me if they wanted to, but
they didn’t want to. They wanted to inflict pain on me, because they
derived satisfaction out of the pain that I experienced. It’s really hard
for me to talk about, and I won’t tell you much about it; it gets too ugly.
Initially they were tearing with their fingernails, scratching, gouging,
ripping, and biting. I was trying to defend myself, trying to fight them
off and get away from them but it was like being in a bee hive, there were
hundreds all over me.
Soon I was lying on the ground; all ripped up
with pain everywhere, inside and outside. Even harder to bear the physical
pain was the emotional pain, with utter degradation. I never once felt
that it was unjust or wrong.
I heard my voice, not someone’s voice or the
voice of God, it was my voice, but I didn’t speak it. Maybe it was my
conscious, I don’t know, but I distinctly heard it say, “Pray to God!” So
I thought to myself, “I don’t believe in God.” I was thinking, “even
if I could pray, I don’t know how to pray anymore.” At that time, I haven’t prayed for about 23
years. When I was a child, we said prayers in Sunday school and Church.
I was trying to remember them. To me, praying was just reciting something
that I learned.
“The Lord is my Shepherd, give us this day
our daily bread, my country tis’ of thee. Wait, that’s not a prayer.
Yea thou I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, for score and seven
years ago our forefathers…” I’m getting all mixed up, I can’t remember how
to pray. Every time I would mention God to these people
that hurt me, it was like throwing boiling water on them. They would
shriek, scream and yell. They would use the worst profanity I had ever
heard in this world. They could not bear to be around me talking about
God. It was so painful for them to hear about God that they kept backing
away. So I had a sense that I could push them away by talking about God.
So I am trying to remember prayers, but I was getting confused and mixed up.
Eventually I realize that they are gone and
I’m alone. I was alone there for an eternity, what I mean was that I had
no sense of time. But I thought about my life, I though about what I had
done, and what I hadn’t done. I thought about this situation I was in.
The conclusion that I came to was this, my entire adult live was selfish, and my
only god was myself. I realized that there was something terribly wrong
with my life, and that the people that attacked me were the same kind of people
that I was.
They were not monsters, nor demons; they were people who had
missed IT. The point of being alive in this world, they had missed it,
they had lived lives of selfishness and cruelty. And now I was in a world
where there was nothing else; nothing but selfishness and cruelty. They
were doomed to inflict that upon each other and themselves forever, without end.
And now I was a part of it.
I didn’t want to be there, it seemed like the right place for me to be. I
felt that this is what I deserver, because this is how I lived. You can’t
imaging how emotionally painful that was. I’m lying there for time without
end, thinking about my fate.
In the back of my mind comes up an image of
myself as a child, sitting in a Sunday school class, singing Jesus Loves Me.
“Jesus loves me, la la la, Jesus loves me, la la la.” I could hear myself
as a child singing it. More important than anything else was that I could
feel it in my heart.There was a time in my life when I was young
and innocent and I believed in something good, I believed in someone other that
I believed in someone who was all good, all powerful, who really
really cared about me, and I wanted that back. That which I had lost, I
had thrown away, I betrayed, I wanted that back. I didn’t know Jesus, but
I wanted to know Jesus. I didn’t know His love, but I wanted to know His
love. I didn’t know if He was real, but I wanted Him to be real.
There was a time in my life where I did believe in something, and I wanted to
trust that it was true.
I call up into the darkness, “Jesus, please save me!” and He came. First there was a tiny little spec of light in the darkness, vary rapidly it got
brighter. The light became so bring that in the physical world it would
have consumed me. It would have fried me to a crisp. But it was not
hot or dangerous there. He was in this light and he reached down and
gently started to pick me up. In His light I could see that I was all gory,
filthy and had wounds all over. The Concluded 2nd Part Of Near Death Experiences.
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Title : Near Death Experience By Dr Maurice Rawlings-To Hell And Back Part 1
Description : Dr. Maurice Rawling s, MD, a heart surgeon, has written a number of books on the death experience and clearly shows from his ...
If you wish to escape the eternal fiery burning torment of HELLL FIRE inorder to make HEAVEN, you must accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal saviour today because tomorrow is never promised. You must restitute and confess all your sin unto God and also ensure you joined “ a Bible Believing Church for more spiritual growth” However, if you are a Christian and still indulges into various kinds of sins such as......
Envy, anger, unforgiveness, lying, hatred, malice, murmuring, gossiping, stealing, taking or giving bribe, exams malpractice, fraud, smuggling and robbery. Perhaps you into masturbation, fornication, adultery, prostitution, Lusting after MONEY and SEX, abortion, lesbianism, homosexuality, kidnapping, ritual killings and assassination; You must confess and repent today.
Perhaps you into drunkenness, fighting and quarreling, alcoholism, smokers, divorcee, polygamous marriage, occultism. Consultaton of native doctors for charms making. PRAYING in the name of MARY or any Saints or Angels, BOWING DOWN or HONORING THEM. You must renounce all these abominables and plead for God's mercy
Perhaps as a Woman you still given-in into vile affection "CHANGING THE NATURAL USE OF YOUR BODY INTO THAT WHICH IS AGAINST NATURE" Therefore indulging yourself into worldly fashions, dressing in transparent clothes, wearing of mini and tightly skirts or WEARING OF TROUSERS (pant). Exposing your breast, lapse to seduce men. Painting lips, fixing attachments, weave-on, jewelries and earrings. Making-up, putting on extra eye lashes, piercing of noses, tattoos, nails fixing and body bleaching
You must repent, dispose and burnt them off and ensure you maintain your natural beauty because unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God.
Remember; your soul is precious and was costly purchase by the Blood of Jesus Christ and you can't afford to lose "yours" in Hell for the next billions and trillions of years in ETERNITY with eternal sorrow, tears, anguish and hopeless of ever coming-out due to mere pleasure and fashion of this world that PASSETH-AWAY which you can easily forsakes NOW and run to Heaven.
Oh Heaven; a place of an everlasting joy, without tears, sorrow and neither pains but rather filled with happiness and God's glory. Please my beloved, "Don't Miss Heaven" and I pray to see you in that Glorious City very soon. Please Say Below short prayer and get right with God today.
Dear Lord Jesus Christ; I admit that I am a sinner. I have done many things that don’t please you. I have lived my life for myself only. I am sorry, and I repent. I ask you to forgive me. I believe that you died on the cross for me, to save me.
You did what I could not do for myself. I come to you now and ask you to take control of my life; I give it to you. From this day forward, help me to live every day for you and in a way that pleases you. I love you, Lord Jesus, and I thank you that I will spend all eternity with you in Jesus name i pray. Amen