Eternity race Is humanity race, whose determine human endeavor, struggling, commitment ,consecration and perseverance during their life era here on earth , moreover, every human had to render an account of his/her life history to the almighty creator. we All knew that the creator is not respecter of anyone __Whose judgment is justify.
The most important question you will ever be asked in your entire life—DO
IF YOU DIED RIGHT NOW THAT WOULD GO TO HEAVEN? Have you ever been asked this
question before? Have you ever
given this question any thought? There are many “If’s” in life but this is NOT a matter
to be taken lightly. Your soul’s
destiny is at stake!.
Many people are still
in dark concerning the salvation of their souls. They’ve heard umpteen religious teachings all their life but aren’t
really sure of anything. They’ve
never really settled down to business on this matter. Brethren, we would like to guide you in the following chapters
into many of these Scriptures—with a sincere desire that you may come to the
glorious knowledge of the truth and a personal relationship with Jesus Christ
as your Savior. We use the term
“relationship” carefully, because Judas also had a relationship with the
Lord, but still went to Hell in his sins. By “relationship” We mean that you
have received Christ's death, burial and resurrection (the Gospel) as
payment for your sins, and now you are God's child.
Creating mind set toward Sanctification, righteousness, holiness, truth, rapture and heavenly consciousness among the body of Christ. To bring awareness of heavenly consciousness, mind and zealous to individual in making rapture. Publishing undiluted word of God,therefore captivating the heart of serious minded Christian and backslider, to take back there position in Christendom in making Heaven at last.
We thank God for all the millions of Gospel tracts which get passed out
each year in this nation; however, it has always concerned us that too many are
vague and lacking any real substance. Nothing
can replace a personal soul-winner. Howbeit, many people have been led to the Lord Jesus Christ
by a simple and short Gospel tract. A
simple tract is helpful because many people will not take the time to read a
long brochure. Further, salvation
is not a difficult matter and God only requires a child-like faith to be saved.
are many uncertainties in this life, but your soul’s salvation does NOT need
to be one of them. You can KNOW
any shadow of a doubt that you are saved and on your way to heaven. “These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the
Son of God; that ye may KNOW
that ye have eternal life…”
(1st John 5:13). We all know that
we have to die, but we don’t know when?. Why
not take out a fire insurance policy with God and make ready your soul for the
day when you die and pass from this life into the next?
The honest truth is that God has provided a simple and easy way for all
mankind to be saved. God does NOT
want one single sinner to perish into Hell. “The Lord is not slack
concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is long suffering to
should come to repentance.” (2nd Peter
3:9). What a wonderful truth! The promise mentioned is the return of Christ as prophesied in the Bible. There were “scoffers” and “doubters” in those days (just as there
are today) who make light of the Bible and laugh at the Scriptural teaching that
Jesus Christ will someday return for His own.
These scoffers are known as “liberals” or “modernists.” The apostle Paul here assures these folks that God is not a liar and does
indeed keep His promises. The
reason for the Lord’s delay is simply because He is “LONG-SUFFERING
to us-ward, not willing that
should perish, but that
ALL should come to
It is you my dear brethren whom God is waiting
for! God does not want you to
perish! You have no idea how much
God loves you, what He has made available to you and how very much He wants you
to get saved. Again, it is my
humble prayer that the Holy Spirit of God will speak to your heart in the
extremely important pages ahead.
only accurate way to interpret the Bible is to interpret the Bible with the
Bible. The Bible speaks for itself! May we say, there will always be areas of doctrine that puzzle us. Someone
wisely said that BIBLE is an acronym which means: Basic Instructions
Before Leaving Earth. We like that.
Every answer brings ten more questions. We're either going to trust God or else
put Him on trial in our minds. We choose to trust God.
We are challenged in 2nd Timothy 2:15 to “STUDY
to show
thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed,
DIVIDING THE WORD OF TRUTH.” This is how we learn the Bible,
i.e., by dividing it (cross-referencing). When we compare one Scripture with other Scriptures, we obtain true
doctrine. This is where many people
get into big trouble—by failing to “rightly divide” the Word of Truth.
For example, we are told in Mark 16:16 that “Whosoever believeth and is baptized shall be saved.” The casual reader might mistakenly conclude that
water baptism is essential for salvation. This would make water baptism
a sacrament. This is not correct
however because we are told elsewhere in the Bible that Paul was not sent to
baptize, but rather to preach the Gospel. “For Christ sent me
TO BAPTIZE, but to preach
the gospel” (1st Corinthians 1:17).
Paul never would have made such a statement if water baptism were
necessary for salvation. This is
just one of thousands of examples of why it’s important to know your Bible
well. It is my earnest belief that
Christian should have a thorough understanding of the Bible.
We’ve created this blog because we feel it is very much needed. We’ve met many people who thought they were saved, but in
fact were NOT. There is an
abundance of false teaching and false religion all around us in society. The
Devil is a master counterfeiter!
false religions have birthed from sincere
misunderstandings (false teachings) from the Bible. 2nd Peter 3:16-17 warns us about tampering with the Bible. Those who do so, do it “...unto
their own DESTRUCTION.” Peter was wise to admit that he simply did NOT understand some of
Paul’s writings. Honesty is
always the best policy. There’s
nothing wrong or demeaning about saying “I don’t know.”
Many people are blinded by arrogance and are too proud to admit their
ignorance on certain matters. May we say, there are many things which we do not understand. We do not pretend to understand everything in the Bible.
On the contrary, We have many questions for Jesus when we get to Heaven. We
are encouraged in 1st Corinthians 13:12 concerning this matter... “For
then face to face NOW I KNOW IN PART; but then shall I know even as also I am known.”
What a wonderful truth—Someday we will
know God just as much as He
knows us. Until then, we must
be content to “know in part.” This
blog is all about salvation and soul winning. We are
going to share with you many of the practical truths which God has used to burn our heart over the years.
We think of
these truths often. We can
proclaim with Jacob, “I am not
worthy of the least of all the mercies, and of all the
which thou hast shewed unto thy servant”
(Genesis 32:10). God is
wonderful to us and His truths are precious indeed. We fervently pray that the truths in this blog will be a blessing to every
reader. These are NOT our truths,
they are God’s truths. We’re simply sharing them with you, gladly, as God has
taught them to us from His Word.
is NO greater matter in life than the destiny of a man’s soul. “For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and
HIS OWN SOUL?” (Matthew 16:26). The important thing is that you know your name is written in
Heaven in
the Lamb’s book of life. If you
are not saved, nothing else matters! All the knowledge and wealth in the universe will do you NO GOOD if
you die in your sins and go to Hell forever. As a Christian, Jesus Christ lives within our heart (and we live in His
heart). If you are saved, Jesus
lives within you (and you in Him). If you are NOT saved, Jesus Christ wants to
save you now.
We have included several revelations
addressing the “assurance” of one’s salvation. We personally known quite a few Believers
who couldn’t find peace
concerning their soul’s salvation. There
is no reason to fear and doubt. The
Bible teaches that we can KNOW beyond any shadow of a doubt that we are
saved. “These things have I written unto you that believe on the name
of the Son of God; that ye may KNOW that ye
have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God”
(1st John 5:13).
When we were
younger, we might be afraid to go down into the basement when the lights were
out because we didn’t know what might be lurking in the dark. We were afraid of the unknown. This is
the same reason why a person doubts their salvation, i.e., they are ignorant
concerning the Scriptures.
They fear,
“what if?” What if I’m not really saved? What
if I go to Hell?. People often fear
that which they do not understand. It
is our heart’s desire to help you gain a greater understanding of God’s plan
of salvation in the next post that follow.
We believe you will find this blog helpful We’ve endeavored to keep the posts brief, yet long enough to say what
needs to be said. Whether you're
saved, unsaved or not sure you're saved—there is something in this blog for you. It is my sincere prayer that Holy Spirit will speak to your heart
in the next post ahead as we speak to your mind, may God Bless you.