Since the inauguration of “Eternity Race Online Revival Ministry”, we have received tremendous lives transforming testimonies from brethren all over the world, glorifying the name of the Lord for unveiling the Heavenly truth unto them.
Many has enacted
heart-pricking restitution and confessing unto their spouse and beloved ones of their wrong deeds in-order to amends their mistakes. Hence we have taken these glorious responsibilities upon ourselves, in order to ensure the salvation word’s of God is proclaimed to the whole world despite an insufficient financial supports, but yet we have never given up.
We have transcribed several confessional messages and spent money in the advertisement and promotions of this gospel messages while reaching-out to massive numbers of people, because without money, sustaining the gospel and reaching-out to the sinful world is very difficult.
Presently there are numerous Salvation Messages, Divine Revelations, and Exposure Mysteries of Dark Kingdoms, Heavenly Encounters, and Confessional Testimonies yet to be transcribed and published due to insufficient financial support, such….!
Evang Emmanuel Omoobajesu. |
The confession of Evangelist Emmanuel Omoobajesu, was a heart pricking testimony, because he was once a very powerful member and High up in the Devils Kingdom. Some of the things about him are: his cultist name that Satan gave him “Bag Of Wickedness.”
The authorities stopped arresting him when he was in the Dark Kingdom because they could never keep him in prison – He would render himself invisible and escape. Once a squad of soldiers commanded by a major came to arrest him and Emmanuel told him, “I have killed more men than your eyes have ever even seen.”
They opened up on him with AK-47’s and he handed them the bullets! Emmanuel was saved by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself who appeared to him and changed his name to Emmanuel Omoobajesu which means in Yoruba language (Nigeria), “Son Of King Jesus.”
Below are the list of his confessional messages which are yet to be transcribed.
- My Conversion – (Confession Of magician Secret Of Ogboni)
- My Encounter With Jesus.
- The Secret Of Witchcraft.
- My Conversation With Satan.
- I Wanted To Be Rich.
- The Ministry Of Angels.
- I Wanted To Be Immortal.
- Destroying The High Places In You.
- Satan’s Ambushments.
- Cult Explosion.
Evang Funmilayo Adebayo |
The confession of Evangelist Funmilayo Adebayo of “990 Years In The Kingdom Darkness” was a shocking to the world in the exposure of Dark Mysteries of Satanic Strategies against the children of God.
This confession has revived the spiritual life of many and called majority unto repentance of their sinful lives. However, there are some untold scene behind her confessions which she didn't exposed in “990 Years Confession” due to religious and politics reasons. .
- The Untold Confession Of 990 Years In Kingdom Of Darkness.
- The Demon On The Altar.
- The Mighty Hand Of God That Delivered.
- Why Do We Need To Go To church?
- What Do You Believe?
- Be Watchful.
- Why Did You Suffer?
- The Ridge Of Grace.
Nonetheless, t
he deliverance and confession of brother Chijioke from Bama Kingdom, who spend 150 years in the kingdom of Darkness was also shocking and many more…! However, we can’t accomplish this Heavenly assignment without Financial support or Donations, rendering sacrificially and faithfully unto God’s works because the world is blinded in horrific Darkness and presently yearning for spiritual revival and awaken unto Heavenly consciousness in preparation for rapture.
Learning To Make Spiritual Sacrifices That Truly Pleases God.
Do you know that the Lord has a "Need" and "Expectation" from us as his dear children and he is counting on us?
Many Christians today know their "Rights" (and privileges) in Christ, they claim it and receive it but they don't know their "Responsibilities" for Christ. We were saved by Christ so that we could do service for Jesus our King and Lord - saved to serve!
Even at this moment, many believers are asking the Lord in prayers, Lord, “Do This And That For Me” but they never for once ask the Lord what do you want me to do for you or what can i do for you my Lord to show you that my life, my love and my loyalty are for you?
There are others who are praying Lord, “I Need This, I Want And Desire This” and the Lord by his infinite mercy granted them that which they requested, he answered their prayers. But do you know that God also has a need and expectation of you as his dear child? That's why he answers your prayer.
The Lord has given us a great commission, to go into all the world to preach the gospel to every creature, (Mark 16:15). This great commission is also known as "Global Mission’s Outreaches And World Evangelizations".
It is a great responsibility laid on our shoulders as Christians by the Lord Jesus himself. The church right now is eagerly awaiting the return of the Lord Jesus at the rapture, but do you know that the rapture is being delayed because so many people in the world are yet to be reached with the gospel of Christ.
Does it beat your Imagination that in a Nation of Vietnam with a population of over 90.4 million people, 91% does not believe that God exists? Only fools believe such. But must we call them fools? What can we do about this deplorable scenario?

Recently, i learnt that in about 68 countries in Africa, Middle East and Central Asia where among 4 billion people, about 1.6 billion of them have never heard the gospel - not even once! And many of them are dying and going to Hell Fire without Christ!
- Is this nothing to you my beloved in Christ?
- Are you folding your hands thinking, there is nothing you can do about this?
According to statistics everyday about 345,000 people are born. Also everyday about 146,000-153,000 people died, just as you are reading this message some people are dying all over the globe and at the end of everyday 146,000 people will died. Whose turns will be the next to die?
You don’t know because it could be your neighbor? It could be that man in same car, airplane, train or office with you. It could be that person travelling with you. It could be that your business partner with you.
It could be that person selling in same market with you. The harvest is ripe but the laborers are few in number and it high time you sit-up and join in the new way of revival we are longing by sponsoring the gospel.
There are many things you can do for this Gospel of the Kingdom of God to reach them. This great commission, the mission work is indeed labor intensive, time consuming and capital intensive...but it is Heaven advancing!
It requires serious finances but when we talk about money or Giving for God's work, it's at this point we will know those that truly love the Lord and have compassion of Christ for the lost in the world. If you say that you love the Lord with all your heart, soul, spirit and body, then you must prove it to the Lord by giving even sacrificially to him for the advancement of his work here on earth.
For example, you can give money to a beggar without loving him but you can't say you love your spouse without giving him or her something special from time to time because giving is a practical language of love!
There are some other Christians who pray for the gospel to reach everywhere, others even preach the gospel but when it comes to giving or supporting the gospel with their personal finances, spending some of their money or parting away with their treasures, substances and resources, they quickly withdraw.
Please don't mistake me...
Praying for the advancement of the Gospel, praying for missionaries is very good and preaching of the Gospel is great but your service to the Lord is not complete if you don't pay your tithe, your offering, your Donations and pledging your support financially too!
I have come across some Christians who say, "I have Very Little And I Can't Afford To Give Anything To The Lord". Oh yes, the Lord knows that you have "Little" but you must remember that little is much when God is in it, and yet the Lord is putting you to test to give to him.
The Lord is not asking you to give what you don't have but even of the little you have and he will surely accept it from your willing heart and free hands and he will open more greater financial doors for you, your poverty, and lack will vanish away because the Lord will give it back to you in multiples - you can't beat the reach of God's giving because he richly repays in abundance and bountifully!
For Your Information…..
For those that are complaining or grumbling when it comes to giving to the Lord, listen to this... The Lord can still accomplish his work successfully without our money, finances or substances because he is the all-sufficient and all-powerful God, he can even raise up stones to declare his praises.
Thus, if we blatantly refused to give to the Lord, he'll abandon us completely and raise up more better people than us that will do all his counsels and fulfill his plans and purposes with all their hearts cheerfully without complaining because we have become a liability to the progress of his work.
That is why we should not think we are indispensable to God - but if God should do that to us, it won't be for our good...God forbid it!
That the Lord is asking us to give our treasures, to Donate our Money, and to financially support the advancement of his work here on earth is because he wants us to also be partakers of his wonderful blessings and great rewards in Heaven - many may not believe this until they eventually get to Heaven and see what their great rewards their giving to the Lord has secured for them, while others that didn't give much to the Lord will wish they had given him more and done more for the progress of his work here on earth!
It is indeed a rare privilege to give to the Lord because there are people who want to give to the Lord but were not opportune, this can is affirm from the Divine Revelation of Hell, which a sister behold concerning "Whitney Houston" in Hell.
A Testimony From Hell:
I saw one woman - a musician i liked so much - i always listened to her music when i was in the world; her name is Whitney Houston. This is what she echo from the pit of Hell.....
“Tell my mother..., that all the finances i left behind should be used to support God's work. Let them support Jesus’ Ministry, let them support Holiness Ministries; let them support God's work. Let them support Christians - The right Christians...”
You see, but it is so unfortunate, even though they give all her finances to support God's work now, there is no reward for her because it's too late. But you as a Christian, you are still alive today and the Lord has given you opportunity to give to him, why not make the most use of this golden opportunity to lay up for yourself Great Treasures In Heaven? Be wise!
Please Take Note Of This:
"A Christian that is not harvesting souls on the mission field, wherever he is and he is not laying down or surrendering some part of his finances, money, treasures, substances or resources in sending Missionaries to the lost may have an empty account in Heaven because he is not laying up Treasures in Heaven”
Every true believer in Christ Jesus is compelled by the love of Christ to show gratitude for what Christ had done for him on the cross of Calvary, where Jesus was crucified to save us from sin and Hell Fire.
In appreciation for what Christ has done, we are expected to become so self-sacrificing that we will be willing to lay down and give our everything for God, go any distance and reach everywhere for the cause of God.
There should be willingness in us to sacrifice anything, including material things (finances, resources, treasures, substances or whatsoever) and private interest, in order to get sinners out of the bondage of sin and from the Broadway that leads to everlasting destruction in Hell.
Lay Down Everything At The Feet Of Jesus And Be Willing To Live For Christ For The Rest Of Your Life. Great lessons from the sacrificial life of giving of the poor widow Jesus recognized and recommended:
In Luke 21:1-4 and also in Mark 12:41-44, Jesus came into the temple and he was watching the people cast (put or drop) money into the treasury (offering box or bag or container). All of a sudden the poor widow woman came along and Jesus saw her also casting in two mites (that is the smallest copper coins, about one-fifth of a cent).
This implies that Jesus is watching us in everything we do, in secret or in open, he sees us and knows us all about us if not, Jesus wouldn't have known that this poor widow cast in all that she possessed into the treasury. As the bible rightly tells us in Proverbs 15:3 “the eyes of the lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.”
Jesus got really interested in the poor widow's giving more than the giving of all those other rich men, wealthy people that gave abundantly to the Lord, why is that? Because as Jesus said, “She (the poor widow) of her penury hath cast in all the living that she had”.
What Does This Means?
It means that, the widow gave to the Lord sacrificially; it costs her something to give to God - just like king David said, “I will not give to the Lord something that costs me nothing (2 Samuel 24:24).
This Poor Widow:
- She Gave Willingly From Her Heart.
- She Gave Not Grudgingly.
- She Gave Not Of Compulsion, As If She Was Being Forced.
- She Gave Cheerfully, Joyfully Unto The Lord.
By the Holy Spirit, Paul the apostle said in 2 Corinthians 9:7 “Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for god loveth a cheerful giver.”
Cheerful Givers Are Sacrificial Givers:
They recognize God as the owner of their very lives, substances, resources, treasures, finances (money), possessions, everything they are and ever hope to be in life, they believe and know that it was the lord that gave it to them,
So they will never hold back anything from their Lord and savior Jesus Christ and anytime he would require it, they are ever ready to willingly and cheerfully give it all back to the Lord because they love him such much more than anything in the world.
Unlike those rich and wealthy people, Jesus also said that it is out of their abundance they cast (gave) in unto the offering of the Lord, because they are the complete opposite of the poor widow in terms of bad attitude of giving unto the Lord.
These rich people trust in their riches and they no longer trust in God as if their life consist in the abundance of things they possess. Even when they give to the Lord, they give out of necessity not willingly, as if it's an imposed duty, not as a sign or token of their love for the master Jesus Christ.
Jesus knows each and every one of us; he sees deep into our hearts. When we give or do things even for him or for others, he weighs our attitudes and the motives behind our giving. So many people will surely be surprised on the day of Judgment that their reward in Heaven is just “Little” while some will loose their reward when the Lord begin to try their works by fire because of their attitude of giving to the Lord.
They are the kind of people that do that which is right in God's sight but not with a perfect heart towards God just like "king amaziah" (2 chronicles 25:1,2) and God hates such kind of hypocritical and haphazard service because he wants our heart first to be right and perfect towards him before rendering any service, even sacrificial service to him that he'll accept and honor.
As a Christian that is rich and wealthy, don’t be like that rich fools that Jesus talked about in Luke 12:16-21 who was busy laying up treasurer for himself here on earth but he was not rich toward God and he was not laying up treasures in Heaven. Make sure you use the finance the Lord has committed into your hand as his steward, to support the work of God. Look for where there are needs and try to meet them prayerfully.
In the bible, we were told of Joseph of Arimathaea. He was one of Jesus secret disciple. He was a very rich and righteous man that had connection with the governor - Pilate (read Luke 23:50; Matthew 27:57). He used his wealth and affluence to do service for Jesus, his master and savior.
On the Day of Judgment, no one has any acceptable excuse to present before the Lord for not giving to him faithfully and sacrificially: If you say you are poor and you don't have much to give to the Lord, Jesus will bring that poor widow woman to testify against you because out of her poverty, lack and wants she still gave sacrificially to the Lord.
If you a wealthy Christian but you don't give to the Lord, then the Lord will also bring Joseph of Arimathaea to testify against you because he used his riches, possessions and affluence to serve Jesus, he faithfully gave to the Lord to support the cause of Christ.
Don't just be gathering and storing up money but channel it to the work of God, if not when the rapture happens and the anti-Christ comes, all the money you have, the possessions you have acquired, they'll all be useless. Its better you begins to lay up treasures in Heaven now than to heap it up here on earth for the anti-Christ. Be rapturable so that you will not be available when the anti-Christ will be revealed and torment the world with great tribulation.
The Reward Of Giving:
Don't take giving to God’s work for granted because there are great blessings attached to giving to the Lord, so many people can practically testify and attest to this truth in the scripture.
The eyes of everyone will recognize that God has truly blessed you; they'll be asking how did it happen? All nations shall call you blessed, for you shall be a delight. You will give to many nations and you will never borrow because you will have more than enough as a result of you, giving faithfully and sacrificially to the Lord to support his work.
A True Life Testimony Of Giving To The Lord And Great Rewards That Followed.
(Am led by the spirit to share these two testimonies)
1. Sometimes last year November, a beloved brother gave some amount of money to support our “Online Revival Ministry”, then after a week, one of his former boss called him, they had some talks and surprisingly God opened a great financial door for him because he trusted the Lord for open doors but it came quicker than he expected.
When he called me over the phone to tell me this, i was personally amazed, flabbergasted and challenged because the Lord had repaid him in “Millions”, the Lord multiplied back to him in 1000 times – I always say this and I will say it again that, (You can’t gives above God) you can't beat God's giving because the Lord richly repays, abundantly and bountifully.
2. Months ago, the Lord opened the financial doors a brother after giving to the Lord in support the “Online Revival Ministry”. When he was sharing his Testimony with me, he said, "God has elevated me in my office beyond human imagination and so join me to praise God for that in Jesus name." (To God be all the glory Amen!)
However, you can key unto this Heavenly partnership and connect yourself unto this Heavenly resources either for the purposes of breaking strong marital stagnancy in your life, barrenness, financial breakthrough, Divine favor, connection or Citizenship permit etc.
Giving to the Lord is gaining, not loosing - it's like you are investing into Heaven's Bank and God's interest rate is very-very high beyond human imagination. Those two brothers above has a reward laid up in Heaven for them and not only here on earth. I pray for him that he will not miss his reward in Heaven in Jesus name...amen!
You can make use of any available means to sow or partner spiritually with the online ministry either through Online Money Transfer, ATM or Mobile Money or Deposit etc; with Below Ministry Bank Account Details.
Bank Name: Guaranty Trust Bank.
Account Name: Paulinus Paul.
Account Number: 0117425458.
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