Suddenly the faces of the angels turn frosty with sorrowfully faint. They shake their head in despair and lamented
"Brother James we can't find your name in The Golden Book Of Life" He screamed,
"Noooo, please search it again, my name must be there, i live a righteous life on earth, am very sure"
ALSO READ: The Danger Of Hatred In Life Of Christian --Part 1.
The angel retorted "Brother James we have used the best heavenly gadgets; angelical microscope, kaleidoscope and telescope to search your name both vertically, horizontally, equationally and quadratically wide; yet we couldn't find your name in the Book Of Life"
Though you said you are very sure of your Christian life on earth but your garment is spotted with scarlet. Brother James you are a sinner and not worthy of entering Heaven. Lo, behold that Tv screen, that is Brother Peter your church brethren, he offended you few weeks ago but you refuse to forgives him" He reply; "
But I have forgiven him"
The angel retorted "Brother James, you are a liar, you pretended to forgives him but inwardly you are burnt and consumed with BITTERNESS and HATRED toward him" Suddenly he heard a mighty voice "depart from me you worker of iniquity, i know you not" A strange force turns his face toward Hell while a mighty whirl wind lifted him up, echoing and sorrowfully screaming as he accelerates toward Hell.
I am a Christian or am Born Again child of God does Guarantee your place in Heaven. Christianity isn't theory but practical. What is the evidence of your salvation? What is the testimony of your conversion; how were you converted?

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If you are merely going church or claiming to be born again yet without testimony of how you become converted; your Christianity is questionable because the remembrance of your testimony kept your faith on fire while so journeying through the narrow way to celestial city of heaven.
The unfortunate testimony in Christendom is that my Christian shall behold the gate of Heaven but will never enter thereof due to HATRED. It always sadden my heart whenever i behold committed brethren contesting for church leadership post and engulfing themselves in hatred and contention, probably due to pride and how to siphoned church money into their private accounts while vibrating in quest of making heaven.
It also pricked my heart whenever i behold brethren striving in hatred due to offence then i began to tinkle "
Are we still expecting the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ? Or probably the rapture has been called-Off by God.
Today, if you go to social clubs, school, market, perhaps in your place of work; you might not be offended but when you comes to the church, where you should be blessed, comforted and where your soul should be lifted up, yet you discovered an offence in the church.
Offence might comes from the pastor, deacon, people who began before you or from someone who you trusted and respected in the church; this is consequent upon the fact as it was in written in Matthew 24:10-13 “Many shall be offended, betray and hate one another"
Sometimes ago you concluded and said "Let me leave this church or department for them" My dear you don't understand, The church is your father's property and you are laboring in that department to his glory. How can you leave your father's house because of human being and due to offence? Offence and betrayal must come. Irrespective of the source; offence is offence.
You may go to the market and left the shop of unbelievers and went to a brother shade or shop in the name of the Lord. The brother will welcome you in the name of the Lord and also tell you a lie in the name of the Lord, that what he purchase for #300 Naira {$1} was brought for #500 Naira. He will play 419 {duped you} on you, all in the name of the Lord, this same betraying act is also found in
Psalm 55:12-14 "For it was not an enemy that reproached me; then I could have borne it: neither was it he that hated me that did magnify himself against me; then I would have hid myself from him: But it was thou, a man mine equal, my guide, and mine acquaintance. We took sweet counsel together, and walked unto the house of God in company"
Nevertheless, i would be surprise if you go to Hell because of fornication or adultery but i wouldn't be surprised if you go to Hell because of HATRED. I obviously believe that many brethren in the church hated one another with internal hatred.
When they behold themselves it will seem as if Satan lives in such person. When one is preaching they behold such person as Satan reincarnate because of hatred. However, you can't enter heaven because God can't prepare a different heaven for you and another heaven for the person you hated.
Hatred Is A Sin. I have read the scriptures and have not beheld any classification of sin. Sin is sin; the place where fornicators and drunkard went, that is where the Hater's shall perish.
Hatred has filled the church, hatred in the choir, the pastor hating the deacon and the deacons hating the pastor; likewise also the member hating one another. What a misfortune and unfortunate scenario...!
There Are 3 Steps Involved In Complete Forgiveness Of Every Offence.
- Behold yourself as imperfect and never above mistakes-Forgive The Person.
- Offence heavily weakens and burdens the heart-Forget The Offence.
- Segregating yourself from the offender will amount into bitterness-Accept And Embrace The Offender; in long-run the intimate bond will return and the offence forgotten.
Therefore always forgive, forget and accept every offender with supportive prayers for enable grace. Don't burden your heart with offences and hatred because tomorrow is never promised; eternity is always near unto us but Heaven is so far.