Last week I was perturbed over the death of a youth brother in the Church who passed away (17th February 2017), a very fervent and dedicated brother in Christ. Hence i have come to realize that life is void, it’s pierced my heart and makes me to affirm that indeed life is too short. Our daily life on earth is always at risk while abiding under divine mercy of God's grace.
Howbeit, from the world latest report on mortality [death] rate; it stated about 6,400 people dies in every hour while more than 150,000 people dies in every 24 hours and also replaced by more than 300,000 babies who are born in every 24 hours.
Life is a tale been told by an idiot, full of sound and fury and signifying nothing- "Shakespeare's"
A man who is born of woman is few of days and full of troubles, he comes forth like a flower and is cut down; he fleeth also as a shadow and continueth not- "Job 14:1-2".
Any Christian living in hatred or unforgiviness without the love of Christ shall end-up in crisis and whosoever still indulges in secret sins while in church and not genuinely born again shall eternally be burnt again in hell.
My dear friend; life is too short; though this might sound familiar but you can't understand until you found your body struggling under medical rehabilitation. That stage is what i called "deteriorated edge of life"
A point where medical expertise; your spouse, parent, friends and pastor can't interfere. Self righteousness in attending church programs,
payment of tithe and offering, participating and belonging to various church departments or groups, sponsorship of church projects and charity giving can't rescue your dying body.
An edge of life where you become incapacitated and dim to uttered prayers because many pastors and brethren from various denominations have pray and unfortunately it seem as if God is dead. An edge where your mind becomes your greatest fear while emitting millions of thoughts after been told " Heh, My dear; it is only God who can save you at this moment, The doctors has tried their best; the pastor are tired of praying but the brethren are still in the church praying and interceding on your behalf"
Thereafter comes the millions dollar questions. “Oh my God, so this is it? Is this how am going to end my life after all my spiritual labor in your vineyard? All the tithe and offering I contributed in your service. But i function excellently as an evangelical leader and also belong to intercessor, choir and sanitary department.
I go to morning cry, preach in buses, market square and also did great exploits on Facebook and globally in social media. My Lord, i invested almost my whole life in helping the needy and also cleaning your house.
Who shall take care of my wife and children? The uncompleted building project in the village, Oh my sweet baby damsel Eunice. Lord my daughter just gain admission into the university, who is going to sponsor her?
Lord i have 20 feet of 10 containers awaiting clearance in wharf, who is going to discharge those goods and righteously pay the Chinese associates their due? My siblings are going to tear my wife apart, Oh heavenly father you ought to help me"
The ungodly attitude of man is that he always GETS and FORGETS while God always GIVES and FORGIVES. In some hospitals, OXYGEN is administered at the rate of #4,500 Naira per hour {$15} for adults and #3,000 Naira per hour {$10} for children.
If adults were to be placed on oxygen for a whole day, the bill will be #108,000 Naira per adult {$360}. When extended monthly the amount arises about #3.24 million Naira {$10,800} while #38.88 million Naira {$129,600} Per annul.

...For Financial Sponsorship, Seed Sowing And Donations In Order To Keep The Online Ministry Daily Updates; Alive And Spiritually Active
However, most of the time man is tempted to think that God is unfaithful and unkind unto him, in negligence that God always gives him more than #3 million Naira {$10,000} as monthly benefits of free oxygen. Hence, he always thought he’s going to lives forever without exhibiting sign of appreciation unto God by living in harmony, love and peace with his neighbor. He is always clouded with self righteousness instead of pleading for God's mercy and divine grace to forgives and forget every form of offence in his life.
Nevertheless, while pondering in his million dollar questions, the merciful eyes of God is also fixed upon him; awaiting to manifest his compassionate grace but unfortunately man refuses to render his confession or sorrowfully behold himself unworthy but rather clouded with self righteousness.
Yet he kept bragging about his great exploit in kingdom service until he finally passed over to eternity. Suddenly the pains began to fade, increasing heart beat and gasps for breath. At last he exclaims "thank you lord for healing me".
As he tends to rise from the hospital bed; He retorted "Oh no, what is happening to me? that is my body laying on the bed and this is me standing. this is can't be; am i dead? Suddenly a whirl wind force accelerated him and he found himself in the queue of great multitude of soul awaiting judgment, a moment of eternal fear of outcome.
No more church leadership contest. At this moment church title and leadership post are useless. Prayer is wasteful. Pleading for God's mercy and repentance is void. At this moment riches, honor and glory are negated.
A mighty sense of fear griped their heart as each match forward to awaiting angels of God. Fortunately, the angels are screening each and every one of them for RIGHTEOUSNESS, HOLINESS and TRUTHFULNESS; Ooh no, only few soul are given a passed mark to Heaven.
This is the
GREAT JUDGEMENT DAY; a horrible moment in every man's life because the narrow way comprises series of thorns, traffic, persecution, dejection and terribly to endure and only few serious minded Christian shall endure, tolerate and overcome.
Alas he heard his name; "Brother James come forward" Before him lays different kinds of books, some are big while other are small but the biggest was preciously decorated with sparkling Gold. The angels were smiling as they search through the books of works for brother James records.
He was also jubilating, thanking and appreciating God for empowering him to make heaven. The angel congratulated him and said "Brother James you did a great and tremendous works on earth; you shall be highly reward in heaven"
Suddenly a mighty Tv screen appeared before them, “Brother James this is your mighty estate and mansions, crown and thousands of angels assigned to serve you" The Gate of heaven was opened and he behold an unimaginable tunes of worship, praises and wondrous glory, power, honor and beauty glowing within.
He was so overwhelmed with joy and happiness and attempted to crossover, but the mighty angel halt him and said,
"Brother James, there is one book left; THE BOOK OF LIFE and whosoever name not found written thereof shall be cast into dungeon of Hell, a place where the fire quencheth not and worm dieth not, a place of anguish and horrible pains of eternal torments.
He was bewildered and perplexed while awaiting the respond of the angel; with great fear and anticipation he waited. This is most fearful segment that determined the eternal survival of man's soul. This is it; the last end point of historical exploits of man's life on earth.
Man's greatest achievement and earthly character has ended and about to be judged according to his deeds. No mountain, rocks, valley or hidden place to hid. As he patiently awaits the result in great fear and anticipation he wishes it was a dream, stalking with all zeal to awake from such slumbering dream.
He wishes death could suddenly swallow him and ends such fearful scene but unfortunately death is just a route and the beginning of life journey toward eternity. in order to unveil the shameful life of a hateful christian,
You Might Also Read The Concluding Part And Ensure You examined Your heart today of any hatred or bitterness and repents of it today before it become too late.