Ezekiel Moses |
As I was listening to brother Ezekiel Moses, he testified about how he died on his bed in 1987. He had been going about his daily work, and decided to lay down for a few moments of rest. After about five minutes, he found that he could no longer breath, and his spirit sat right up and came out of his body. He turned around and stood there gazing down upon his dead body. He suddenly forgot about his whole life on earth. After perhaps two or three minutes, it felt like something like an elevator beneath his feet was lifting him up out of the room through the sky to the place of judgment in heaven.
Brother Ezekiel spoke about the judgment, where he stood in a long line with almost 10,000 people in front of him. They are people of all ages and all walks of life from every nation, tribe, and language, including children, preachers, prime ministers, and presidents. He was crying, in pain, and shivering with fear of the judgment as he stood in line. At one point, he excused himself from the line, and tried to run from the judgment. But no matter how far he ran, he could not reach the back of the line. So he had to get back in line again. When he stepped back in line, there were now perhaps 200,000 people in front of him. I think he said they were all sent to hell, or almost all of them were.
When you get to the front of the line, the sliding glass door opens by itself and your name is called. You step through the door alone. On the other side of the door, in the place of judgment, are two angels. You can be sure the presence of the Lord is there, and they are operating under direct orders from the Imperial Throne with full authority to carry out there work. One angel standing behind a table on which there is a tall stack of books. Each of these books contains sins that people have committed during their life on earth. There is a book for fornication, a book for lying, a book for stealing, etc.
The apostle Paul wrote, "Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are: immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions, envying, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these, of which I forewarn you, just as I have forewarned you, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God." (Gal 5:19-21). There are other lists of sins in the Bible like this, which include additional things, which Paul summarized here as "things like these."
He said that if the fruit of the Spirit is not complete in your life – all nine fruit – forget about heaven. They are completed in holiness, since they are the fruit of the HOLY Spirit. He said, “You must have complete holiness!”
As the apostle Paul said, "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. Now those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit." (Gal 5:22-25)
The other angel is seated behind a table on which is the Book of Life, which is a spotless, white book containing the names of every single redeemed person, who is saved by the blood of Jesus Christ. In all the thousands of years of human existence, there is still just one book containing all the names of the redeemed, which shows how few there are. The eyes of the angels are like flames of fire, and nobody can look at their face.
The apostle John wrote: "Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat upon it, from whose presence earth and heaven fled away, and no place was found for them. And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and books were opened; and another book was opened, which is the book of life; and the dead were judged from the things which were written in the books, according to their deeds. And the sea gave up the dead which were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead which were in them; and they were judged, every one of them according to their deeds. Then death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire. And if anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire." (Rev 20:11-15)
As you stand there and undergo the judgment, you are not allowed to say anything. You don't need to argue and say, "Let me talk. I can explain. This is what happened." No one can stand for you in defense on that day. It is as if you stepped onto a scale and were being weighed. All your sins that you ever committed during your life, and for which you have never repented and asked the Lord Jesus to forgive you, are displayed on the stack of books like a computer would display search results. Your sin will find you out (Numbers 32:23). At that point, if any sins appear, they will not ask you at all. The angel simply shouts, “Depart!” and the person goes straight to hell. The next thing they know, they find themselves in hell. He said, “Nobody can withstand that judgment. It’s terrible!”
That’s why we need the mercy of God. That's why we need the grace of God. And might I add, that's why we also need to live for Jesus obediently, and not just say we believe in Him. That’s why we need to live a life of daily repentance, which is the shortest path to His mercy.
Ezekiel says, "Hell is real! The judgment of God is tough!" He pleads, "Listen! I'm begging you to give your life to the Lord Jesus, whether you like it or not!" Later he said, "Listen! If you refuse to repent and give your life to the Lord Jesus Christ, you will regret having been born into this world! Listen! This is a serious case. You cannot escape it, unless you give your life to the Lord Jesus; unless you repent from your sins."
When the person in front of him was finally called, the door opened, and the brother ran up to the angels. He ran behind the brother, because he wanted to see what kind of judgment he would receive. When he entered the place of judgment, the angel at the table where the books of sins were stacked, leaned over and looked at him from behind the stack. As soon as he had just crossed over into that place, the angel shouted to him, "No! No! Don't follow the boy! Don't follow the boy! Please don't follow the boy! Don't follow the boy! Today you will receive the mercies of the Lord."
He said, "Listen, I'm not better than the people that are in hell. I don't live a life holier than them." He was marked for mercy. The Bible says, "I will show mercy on whom I will show mercy." (Exidus 33:19b; Romans 9:18a)
Once they finally called brother Ezekiel's name, and he stood there at the judgment, he recalls, "The angel was looking at me with very cool eyes. I was looking at him. I was thinking about how he had said, 'Don't follow the boy! Don't follow the boy!' I didn't know what to do." He struggles to recount this part of the testimony, because it was so dreadful, and when he got to this part, he used to get a horrible taste in his mouth. He says, "At last! At last! I landed in hell! I found myself in hell!" He says, "If you want to know the truth of what I'm telling you, get on your knees and ask God! After I'm finished, get on your knees and ask God, 'This thing that I'm hearing, is it a reality? Is it true?'"
In hell he was crying out in pain, and he could hear all the voices of the people there crying, weeping and gnashing of teeth. He said, "In hell it's full of darkness! No light. The place was full of darkness. I was crying seriously! I cried and cried. I thought Jesus would come to rescue me. I called and called to Him."
He said, "Jesus Christ does not hear me again. The Father does not hear my voice. The Holy Spirit does not hear my voice. Nobody will rescue me again."
"In hell there is no water to drink, no food for us to eat. You cannot behold the eyes of demons. Hell is real! I'm begging you. Hell is real! Nobody loved me. Nobody cared. Listen, listen! I'm begging you everyone of you. Please! Please! Give your life to the Lord Jesus! Amend your ways...before God, because if you miss heaven -- if you miss the kingdom of God -- you will regret being born into this world! Repent! Repent! Repent! Repent! The kingdom of God is at hand! Repent! Hell is real!"
He said, "Listen! If you know you don't want to go to hell, what you need to do is beg God for mercy. Beg God, because I know what I'm talking about! When I was there, I didn't know what to do, because the place was hot! People were begging, people were asking for mercy. In hell, they don't have prayer points. They pray, 'Lord, have mercy!' If you miss heaven, your pastor can't rescue you!"
He said, "In hell, the smoke is so thick!" Everyone who commits fornication, they hang them naked from their arms and spread their legs out, and torture their private parts with sharp objects. They are unable to defend themselves or block it with their hands, because they are tied up. Brother Ezekiel screams and cries when he tells his testimony, because he has seen it and the voices of the people crying there is still in his ears.
I read in another account of his testimony that he said, "In hell I felt the heat. It's like when you are in Lagos here but feeling the heat from Abuja. I saw a lot of people from different races, black and white burning and crying. I heard the voice of a woman crying, and begging, and pleading to come back to the world to receive Christ Jesus. She said her husband made her to be where she was now – hell."
"Another, a youth cried that it was his friend who said they should enjoy the world for a little while. A man was crying and begging for water, but there was no water for him to drink." said brother Ezekiel.
"Behold, as I was crying in hell, I saw the hands of God. I didn't see the face or the whole body of God. Nobody can see God's face..."
He diverged for a moment, saying, "In heaven, the saints cannot see God's face...They may see the hands, or arms, or the legs of God, but He hides His face...When God speaks in heaven, the whole heaven will shake. Thunder will strike, because God is speaking. He's a God of thunder and of fire!..."
He continues with his account of being in hell and seeing the hands of God. "I knew these were the hands of God. They were going about looking for someone whom He could rescue. I was shouting and crying, and the hands came to my side. I was looking. The hands were so fresh...When I saw the hands, they just came at my back here (He points to his upper back). That finger print is still in my back till now. It just stuck on my back like a magnet, and just pulled me out of hell. He placed me back at the entrance of hell. The hand of the Lord is upon me! The hands of God -- of the Lord -- is upon me! The hands of mercy! The hands that were used to deliver the children of Israel from Egypt. The hands of salvation. The hands of mercy. We need the mercy to get to heaven. We need the grace to get to heaven."
"When the hands placed me at the entrance, I heard a voice...that it's by the grace of God, we will lift you up and go to heaven in Jesus' name. Immediately the angel of the Lord appeared to me. He looked at me afar off and beckoned unto me and said, 'Come. You will receive the mercy of God today.'"
In Heaven
"Then when I went to him, as he was going, I was following him. He got to a place. Then before us it was full of gold. The floor of the places were full of gold...I saw beautiful mansions in heaven! Beautiful mansions! Incomparable mansions in heaven...Things of this world will perish one day. I saw mansions, different kinds of designs in heaven."
"I was looking all about. Then I began to look at the (ground) like a glass, and the walls of the golden house. That's why I want to cut it short, because I know what's going on. I don't want to miss that glorious place -- that heaven. I'm thirsty to go back. I'm in haste to go back to heaven."
"And the angel of the Lord was looking at me and watching me. Then I began to see the place was full of light. No streetlights there. Nothing like that. Jesus Christ, the Lamp of God is the light of the place. The angel took a step and was going, and I was following. There was a compound in front of us in the far distance. And the face and gate were made of gold. And inside the compound there were flowers there -- beautiful flowers. The angel took a step and was going, and I followed. Then that golden gate opened by itself. Everything in heaven is automatic."
He said, "Are they not eating in this heaven? Yes, of course, they are eating in heaven. In 2010 the Lord took me to my own house in heaven through the angels of the Lord. When I entered into the sitting room, the place was being furnished...Then I saw the kitchen there. They were preparing food. If I eat the food, I may not come back again. But thank God for that. Delicious food. In hell, there is no food for them in hell. No water. But in heaven, we will drink the water of life." He sings, "There will be no crying over there. There will be no weeping over there...there will be no thirsting over there, there will be no hunger over there."
The Throne Room
He describes what it was like when he entered the throne room. I met the saints. They put on (wear) white garments, crowns on their head, star on their crown, some without stars. But whether they put on crowns or don't put on crowns, they make heaven. They are better off than the people in hell. Listen, when I saw the saints of God, they were praising and dancing and worshiping the King of kings and Lord of lords. They are so beautiful! So handsome! And I was looking for the Lord Jesus Christ. I wanted to see Him. I looked up and down. Behold, afar off, I saw King of kings and Lord of lords.
He was lying down (prostrate), and the twenty-four elders were before Him. I had to pass through the saints. I passed through them to get to where Jesus Christ is. (Bending over) I tapped the leg of Jesus, saying, 'Jesus! Jesus! Jesus!' He looked up, and said, '...You made it! You made it! You made it!' Because I was in hell. Then he stood up and he carried me like a baby (brother Ezekiel motions to show how the Lord lifted him up over his head like a baby). When I was in His hands, He looked at me, smiled, and laughed. He said, '...You made it! You made it! You made it!' I was smiling in His hands. Behold, the saints were dancing and praising God! And this was why: It's because another man entered into this kingdom of God. It takes the grace and mercy."
He continues, "Listen to what happened at last. I was still in the hands of Jesus. Outside the concert choir with these kinds of instrument in their hands: I saw harps, violins, violas, trombones, saxophones, trumpets, and all sorts of instrument in their hands. Immediately I heard from them the song of (the) Hallelujah (chorus). They sang, 'Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!' and so forth. What happened? Jesus Christ placed me down, and He said, 'It is time for you to go back.' I could not say anything. He's my Master. He's my Lord. He says to go back. I cannot speak a word. I began to look at His face."
The Condition of the Church
"He was looking at me with gentle eyes -- very tender eyes. He looked at me. He said, 'Son, before you go, I want to tell you, and I want to reveal to you, I want to show you what is going on in My Father's house. Come out!' (The Lord walked out.) We came out in the realm of the spirit out of the throne room, but our bodies were still in the throne room. We were looking outside, and behold, I and Jesus stood in one place. And Jesus Christ just (with His hand) wiped this one cloud aside. And behold, we were looking down into the world. And Jesus said, "Can you see what is going on in the world? I want to tell you, My people! I want to show you what is going on! In the Church, especially My children, the kind of lives they are living on earth.'"
"And Jesus Christ said, 'I will show you three parts. People have forgotten that (Scripture that says) Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them. They are forgetting that I told them, I am not of the world, so likewise they are not of the world.' And when Jesus Christ was saying all this, he started shedding tears, because of you and me."
"And He said, 'Let me show you.' And He showed me the women, the men, and the ministers of God. Can you see my children, the way they are dressing, coming to My Father's house. See those women. They say they are clean, they are born again, their name is written in the Book of Life, they are claiming they are coming to heaven, but yet let me show you what is stopping them from coming and entering My Father's kingdom.'
And Jesus Christ said, 'Can you see these women, these men, and ministers of God (in three parts). And He said, 'Look at the women! You see them? See these people that are perming their hair?, attachments, earrings in their ears, (he gestures toward his chest, indicating exposure of the chest), (putting chains on) their necks, and things like that? Can you see them with the trousers, and mini-skirts...some painting their fingers, some painting their lips, and etc., etc.?
Some bleach their body.' And Jesus said, 'Tell them! That none of them...if My Father asks the archangels to blow the trumpets, none of them will enter My Father's kingdom. "Then He said, 'Look at the men. Can you see them? The way they are dressing? all kinds of style in their hair (he gestures toward his head and mentions some unnatural hairdos)? . Some with the knickerbockers (men's or boys' baggy, knee-length trousers), some loosen their (shirt) buttons, shave (their chests), and are walking like (rascals) like that, coming to the house of God?' And Jesus said, 'I tell you, none of them will enter My Father's kingdom.'"
"And Jesus said, 'Can you see the men of God. Those people that I asked to preach the Truth to the people, that I asked to make the people to know the Truth? Can you see them? Look at them!' I began to see the ministers of God. He said, 'My eyes are beholding them.' He said, 'Can you see them?' We saw some men of God that are fighting for their posts. We saw some men of God fighting for money. We saw some men of God that entered the earth, under the earth, in order to see powerful signs and wonders (in their ministry). We saw some men of God that entered the ocean. We saw some men of God that entered the trees. Others entered the sky and the clouds for signs and wonders -- powers of darkness! And Jesus said, 'None of them will enter My Father's kingdom!'"
"Let me tell you something. You who go about bouncing from church to church, looking for miracles, signs and wonders, and things like that, and pastors to see visions for you, you are going to hell with them."
He spoke about women who wear trousers to do government jobs like climbing trees and so forth. He said, "No heaven for you." I think he said something like, "Why not ask the men (to do that job)?" He said that some pastors will argue that we must obey the government. But he asked, "Are we supposed to obey the government or obey God?"
"All you brothers with earrings, or (punk) hair, (other hairdos), no heaven! And to wrap it up, you brothers and sisters, (with) no perming, no earrings, etc., dressing in holiness, and you think you are going to heaven, but you have lust. What is going on between you and your husband? Some of those here are doing things that are wrong."
"Some of you are not wearing attachments, earrings, etc., and you are dressing in holiness. But when you get to the judgment, they will say you have unforgiveness. And the angel will say, 'Depart! You workers of iniquity.' No attachments, earrings, etc., but she has what is called a spirit of unforgiveness."
Women Covering Their Heads
The Lord also said something to him, which is not mentioned in this video. He said to brother Ezekiel, "Can a woman pray without covering her hair? Think about it." Ezekiel says the Lord told him women must cover their hair when they pray, and honor God, as it says in 1 Corinthians 11:3-11.
The Call to Repentance
"Listen! Hell is real! Choose hell or heaven, Jesus or satan!" He gave the following challenge: "Listen! If the trumpet sounds right now, are you capable to go?" "We need the mercy of God to enter heaven! I want you to cry out to God, 'I need your mercy this moment! Lord, have mercy upon me! I need your mercy to enter the kingdom of God! Lord, I don't want to go to hell! Deliver me, O God! Lord, deliver me! I don't want to find myself in hell! In Jesus' Name we pray!'" "Listen! I want you to pray and pray and pray!"
[End of testimony]
Scripture Meditation
"For your ways are in full view of the Lord, and he examines all your paths. The evil deeds of the wicked ensnare them; the cords of their sins hold them fast. For lack of discipline they will die, led astray by their own great folly." (Proverb 5:21-23; also see Proverb 4-5).
"What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? By no means! We are those who have died to sin; how can we live in it any longer?" (Romans 6:1-2) "What then? Shall we sin because we are not under the law but under grace? By no means!" (Romans 6:15). "Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, love for the Father is not in them." (1 John 2:15)
"Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will."
Usually, hair "attachments" refer to wigs, false hair, or any artificial accessory that is woven into or clipped onto the hair. While hair clips are also a type of artificial attachment, some are worldly while others aren't, so it depends on the type and the purpose. Each person should pray earnestly and seek the Lord's guidance about what they wear, whether it pleases Him or not, and be careful not to do anything to change the image of God, in which we were created naturally.
With respect to men loosening their shirt buttons, this probably refers to more than just leaving the top button unfastened, such that the chest is exposed immodestly. We need to forget about the world's standard, and think the way God thinks about what it means to be naked or immodest in His sight.
I would add that the motives and thoughts of the heart are also important to the Lord. If it is simply for your own convenience and comfort, that is one thing. But for example, if one is exposing the nakedness of these parts of their body (eg., wearing sleeveless tops or dresses, or spaghetti straps, bathing suits, shorts, or short skirts and dresses), and is shaving to make these naked areas more attractive or seductive to men, or due to vanity, that would be wrong.
That is why it is so important to pray about these things and ask the Lord. Brother Ezekiel states the Lord does not want women wearing chains on their necks. He said it takes him seven days to share his entire testimony of heaven and hell, so when he conducts evangelistic crusades in Nigeria, they last for seven days.
He said that when he gives his testimony, he once again feels the searing heat of hell physically in his body. It causes him to cry in painful torment, so that the people must pour a lot of cold water upon him to cut the heat down. During this time, he is lying on the ground, and it takes six to eight men to hold him. On one occasion recently they poured thirty drums of water on him, each drum containing twelve pales of water. They have reported that they can actually see the heat rising from his body, and others felt the water getting warm.
This is a very painful experience for brother Ezekiel, so he and some other men of God have prayed and asked the Lord why this happens. The Lord told him, "My grace is sufficient for you." The Lord told him that it is necessary for people to see him experiencing this supernatural sign as a confirmation of his testimony, so that they might believe that it is truly from the Lord and hell is real.
He said that after he gives his testimony, it is so exhausting that he sometimes goes into a coma for up to fifteen hours! During this time, the Lord sometimes comes to him to touch him, speak to him, minister to him and comfort him. The Lord sometimes tells him what He wants for His people and what He wants Ezekiel to say to them. Since he is incapacitated during this time, the workers where he is preaching must carry him to the car or jeep at the end of the meeting. He asked some of the workers who do not know him to tell him what they witnessed, and they say he was like a dead man, foaming at the mouth.
The next day he is so exhausted that he is unable to function. The only way he can continue to preach is to jump up and down, shouting "Hallelujah!" about two hundred times! Afterwards, the Lord's enormous, supernatural strength comes into his body and he is able to preach with mighty power
Do You Want to Know Him? If you want to know Jesus, you can. It all begins when you repent and believe in Him. Do you know what God's Word, the Bible says?
“Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of God, and saying, ‘The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.’” (Mark 1:14-15). He preached that we must repent and believe.