The Bible, the Word of God, is very clear about the
subject of heaven and hell. In below scripture passage; the
Lord tells us about two places: Heaven and Hell, the place of condemnation and
the place of salvation. There is no intermediate place. Purgatory
does not exist. Limbo does not exist, where men stay for a while after
they have departed from earth, before they go to heaven. The Bible is very
clear about this.
Luke 16:19 “There was a rich man that dressed in purple and fine linen, who enjoyed luxurious living every day. In front of his gate a beggar named Lazarus was placed, covered with sores, and hungering to be fed crumbs that fell from the rich man's table. Even the dogs came and licked his sores. The beggar died and was carried by the angels to Abraham's bosom.
The rich man also died and was buried, and while suffering tortures in hades, he looked up and from a distance saw Abraham with Lazarus in his bosom. So he called out, ‘Father Abraham, take pity on me and send Lazarus to dip his fingertip in water and cool my tongue, for I am tormented in this fire.’
But Abraham said, ‘Son, remember that you enjoyed the good things in your lifetime while Lazarus had the bad things; now he is being comforted here but you are suffering anguish. Besides, there is a great chasm fixed between you and us, so that those who want to cross from here to you are unable; neither can they cross from your side to us"
(April 11th 1995) God gave us
a revelation that would change the direction of our lives. We had just
begun to know about God and His Word. We are seven youth to whom God has
given the privilege and great responsibility of sharing this revelation with
the world. Everything started at approximately 10:00
a.m. We were praying and were prepared to go out on a picnic later that
day. Suddenly around 10 a.m., a very bright white light shone through one
of the windows. When the light appeared, we were all immediately baptized
with the Holy Spirit, and we began to speak in tongues.
When it happened, we were all astonished and
fascinated by what we saw. The glorious light illuminated the entire
room. It was much brighter than the light of the sun. In the middle
of the light we saw a host of angels dressed in white. The angels were
very beautiful, tall, and very handsome.
In the middle of the angels we saw an amazing
sight—the figure of a Man. The image was of a Special Being, a Man
dressed in a pure white mantle and robe, whose hair resembled gold
threads. We could not see His face because of the brilliance of the
light; however, we could see a gold sash across His chest with gold lettering
that read, "King of kings and Lord of lords."
He had pure gold sandals on His feet, and His beauty was without equal.
When we saw Him, we all fell to our knees.
Then we began to hear His voice. It was
extraordinary and wonderful; every word penetrated our hearts like a
double-edged sword, just as is written in the Word of God (Hebrews 4:12). He spoke to us in very simple yet powerful
words. We audibly heard Him say to us, "My little children, don't be afraid. I am Jesus of
Nazareth. I have visited you to show you a mystery, so you can reveal it and
tell it to towns, nations, cities, churches, and every place. Where I
tell you to go, you will go, and where I tell you not to go, you will not go."
The Holy Bible, the Word of God, says in Joel 2:28, "It shall come
to pass after this that I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh. Your sons and
daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men
shall see visions." These are the times that God is
preparing for all people.
Then something strange happened. A rock appeared in
the middle of the room. The Lord, who was with us, made us get on the
rock. It was about eight inches above the floor. Then a large hole
appeared in the floor. It was a huge, black, terrifying hollow or cavern.
We fell on the rock and began descending through the hole in the floor.
The hole was dark, and led to the center of the earth.
While in the gloomy darkness, we were very
scared! We were so afraid that we said to the Lord, "Lord, we
don't want to go there! Don't take us to that place Lord! Take us
out of here Lord!" The Lord answered us in a very beautiful and
tender voice, "This experience is necessary
so you can see and tell others."
We were in a horn-shaped tunnel. We started to see
shadows, demons and figures moving about. We kept going deeper and
deeper. In just a matter of seconds, we felt emptiness and great
fear. We then arrived at some caverns, at some terrible
doors, like a labyrinth. We didn't want to go inside. There was a
terrible odour and heat that choked us. Once we entered, we saw terrible
things, frightful images. The entire place was engulfed in flames. In the
middle of the flames were the bodies of thousands of people. They were
suffering in great torment. The sight was so horrifying that we didn't
want to look.
The place was divided into different sections of
torment and suffering. One of the first sections that the Lord allowed us
to see was the "Valley of the Cauldrons," as we called it.
There were millions of cauldrons. They were inlaid at ground level and
each had boiling lava inside. Within each one was the soul of a person
who had died and gone to hell.
As soon as the souls saw the Lord, they started to
shout and scream, "Lord, have mercy on us! Lord give me a chance
to get out of here! Lord, take me out and I will tell the world that this
place is real!" But the Lord didn't even look at them.
There were millions of men, women and young people there. We also saw
homosexuals and drunkards in torment. All of the people were shouting in
very great torment.
It shocked us to see how their bodies had been
destroyed. Worms were going in and out of their empty eye sockets,
mouths, and ears, and were penetrating their skin all over their bodies.
This fulfills the Word of God written in Isaiah 66:24, "They shall go
forth; they shall gaze upon the dead bodies of those who have rebelled against
Me; for their worm shall not die, nor shall their fire be quenched; they shall
be an abhorrence to all mankind" and also in Mark 9:44, "Where their
worm never ceases and the fire is not put out." We were
horrified by what we were seeing. We saw flames about 9 to 12 feet
high. Within each flame was the soul of a person who had died and gone to
The Lord
allowed us to see a man who was inside of one of the cauldrons. He was upside
down and pieces of flesh were falling off his face. He stared at the Lord
intently and then started to shout and call on the name of Jesus. He
pleaded, "Lord have mercy! Lord give me a chance! Lord take
me out of here!" But the Lord Jesus wouldn't look at him.
Jesus simply turned his back to him. When Jesus did this, the man started
to curse and blaspheme the Lord.
The man was John Lennon, the member of
the satanic music group called "The Beatles." John Lennon was a
man who mocked and made fun of the Lord during his lifetime. He said that
Christianity was going to disappear and Jesus Christ would be forgotten by
all. However, today this man is in hell and Jesus Christ is alive!!
Christianity hasn't disappeared either. As we started to walk on the edge of that place,
the souls extended their hands toward us and begged for mercy. They asked
Jesus to take them out of there, but the Lord wouldn’t even look at them.
Then we started to go through other sections. We
came to the most terrible section of hell, where the worst torments are
experienced, the center of hell. There, the most intense forms of
suffering are endured; the torments are so severe that they are beyond human
expression. The only people there were those who knew Jesus and the Word
of God. There were pastors, evangelists, missionaries, and all types of
people that had once accepted Jesus and known the truth, but had lived a double
There were also backsliders. Their suffering was a
thousand times worse than anyone else’s. They were shouting and begging
the Lord for mercy, but the Word of the Lord says in Hebrews 10:26-27, "For if we go
on sinning willfully after acquiring the knowledge of the truth, there is no
longer left any sacrifice for sins, but some dreadful anticipation of judgment
and of a fierce fire that is to devour those who oppose God."
Those souls were there because they preached,
fasted, sung and lifted their hands in church, but on the streets and in their
homes they lived in adultery, fornication, lying, and robbery. We cannot
lie to God. The Bible says that to whom much has been given, much also
will be required. (Luke 12:48)
God then allowed us to see two women who had been
Christian sisters while on earth, but who didn't live a righteous life before
the Lord. One said to the other, "You cursed wretch! It's
your fault that I am in this place! You didn't preach to me a holy
gospel! Because you didn't tell me about the truth, I am now here in
hell!" They would say these things to each other in the midst of
the flames. They hated each other because there is no love, mercy or
forgiveness in hell.
There were thousands of souls who had known the
Word of God, but whose lives weren't clean before the holy presence of the
Lord. "You cannot play with God or the
flames of hell!" the Lord said. He also told us,
"My sons, all the suffering on earth
concentrated in just one place is nothing, NOTHING, compared with the suffering
that a person experiences in the best parts of hell."
If it is that terrible for those who suffer the least in hell, how much worse
must it be for those in the center of hell, who once knew the Word of the Lord
and walked away from it. Then the Lord told us that we could play with
the fire on earth, but never with the fire in hell.
We continued walking through different sections and
the Lord showed us many other people. We noticed that all the people
there experienced approximately six different types of torment. There
were souls tormented by demons with all kinds of punishment. Another
terrible punishment came from their own conscience, which said, "Remember
when they preached to you; remember when you heard the Word of God; remember
when they told you about hell and you laughed about it!" Their
own consciences tormented them, just like the worms that crawled all over their
bodies, and like the consuming fire that was thousands and thousands of times
hotter than we know. This is the reward that the devil has for all those
who seek him and follow him.
The Word of the Lord says in Revelation 21:8, "As for the
cowardly, however, and the unbelieving, and the fearful, the murderers, the
immoral, those practicing magic arts, and idolaters, and all liars – their lot
is in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur. This is the second death." Next, the Lord showed us a man that had murdered
six people. The six people were now surrounding him, and were shouting at
him saying, "It is your fault that we are in this place, YOUR FAULT!"
The murderer tried to cover his ears because he didn't want to listen to
them, but he could not avoid listening since in hell all your senses are much
more sensitive.
Souls there are tormented with an intolerable
thirst for water that cannot be satisfied in any way, like in the Bible story
of Lazarus and the rich man. (Luke 16:19) The rich man in hell wanted only a single drop of
water; that would have been enough. The Word of the Lord says in Isaiah
34:9, "The streams of Edom shall be turned
into pitch and her soil into brimstone; her land shall become burning pitch." In that place, every soul was in the midst of the
People saw mirages of crystal-clear rivers in the middle of the
fire, but when they tried to reach them, the rivers turned into flames.
They also saw trees with juicy fruit on them, but when they tried to pick the
fruit, they would burn their hands, and demons would ridicule them.
Then God
took us to a section that was much worse than the other sections that we had
seen. We saw the lake of fire and brimstone. On one side of the
lake was a smaller lake. In the smaller lake were millions and millions
of souls crying and begging the Lord for mercy. They said to Him, "Lord, please! Take us out of here even for just a
moment! Please give me the chance to get out!!!"
However, the Lord could not do anything for them because their judgment was
already set.
Among those millions and millions of people, the
Lord allowed us to focus on a man whose body was half-way submerged in the lake
of fire. The Lord let us know and understand his thoughts. His name
was Mark. We were amazed by the things he said to himself in his
thoughts. We learned an eternal lesson when we heard him think the
following thoughts: "I would give anything to be in your place right
now! I would give anything to go back to earth for just one minute.
I wouldn't care if I were the most miserable, sickest, most hated, or the
poorest man in the world; I would give anything to go back to earth for just
one minute."
The Lord Jesus was holding my hand. Jesus
replied to Mark's thoughts saying, "Mark,
why would you like to go back to earth for even just a single minute?"
With a crying and tormented voice, he told Jesus, "Lord! I would
give anything to go back to earth for just a single minute simply to repent and
be saved."
When the Lord heard what Mark said, I saw blood
come from Jesus' wounds. Tears filled His eyes as He said, "Mark, it is too late for you! Worms are set for your
bed and worms will cover you." (Isaiah 14:11) When the Lord said this to him, he sank into the
lake forever. Sadly, all those souls have no hope. Only we on earth
have the chance to repent today and go to heaven with our Lord Jesus Christ. I now leave you with my sister to continue this
testimony. Thank you.
[Testimony by Lupe] God bless
you dear brothers. Let's read the Word of the Lord from Psalms 18:9, "He bowed the
heavens and came down; thick darkness was under His feet."
When the Lord reached for my hand, I grabbed His hand, and we started to descend
down the tunnel. The tunnel grew darker and darker to the point that I
could not even see my hand that wasn't holding onto the
Suddenly, we passed something that was dark and
sparkling and making a noise. The darkness was so dense you could not
even find the walls of the tunnel with your hand. Our descent was so fast
that I felt like my soul was separating from my body.
Soon there was a very foul odor, like the smell of
rotten flesh. It was getting much worse by the second. Then I heard
the voices of millions and millions of souls. They were endlessly shouting,
crying out and moaning. I was so frightened that I turned to the Lord and
said, "Lord where are you taking me? Lord have mercy on me!
Please have mercy on me!" The Lord only said, "It is necessary that you see this, so you can tell
everyone else."
We continued
going down through the horn-shaped tunnel until we arrived at a place that was
pitch-dark. As if a heavy curtain was lifted from my eyes, I then saw
millions and millions of flames. Even worse, I heard agonizing screams
but couldn't see anyone. I was very scared. I said to the Lord,
"Oh please Lord, have mercy on me! Oh please Lord, have mercy on
me! Don't take me to this place! Forgive me!"
At the time,
I didn't think that I was just a spectator in hell; I thought it was the day of
reckoning. Standing before the Lord Jesus, I shook violently because I
really thought my life was coming to an end. We moved closer to a large flame that was ahead of
us. It was huge and burning intensely. I continued to slowly descend as I
watched multitudes of flames and heard millions of souls crying with one
Then I saw a
wooden table that was not being consumed by the fire. It had what
appeared to be beer bottles on it. They looked refreshing, but they were
full of fire. While I was looking, a man suddenly appeared. His
flesh was almost completely destroyed and what was left of his clothes were
muddy and burning. He had lost his eyes, mouth and all of his hair in the
fire. He could see me, even though he had no eyes. I tell you, it
is a person’s soul that thinks, reasons and truly sees, not their natural
The man extended his skinny hand toward the Lord
and started to cry out, saying, "Lord, have mercy on me! Lord,
have mercy on me! I am in pain! I am burning! Please have
mercy and take me out of here!" The Lord looked at him with
compassion, and I started to feel something warm in my hand. I looked and
found that it was blood...the blood of Jesus! The Lord's blood came from
His hand as He watched the man suffering in the flames.
Then the man turned his gaze in the direction of
the table and walked toward the bottles. He grabbed a bottle, and as he
was about to drink from it, fire and smoke shot out of it. He put his
head back and screamed like I had never heard anyone scream before. He
cried with great pain and sorrow, and then started to drink what was in the
bottle. The bottle was full of acid; it totally destroyed his throat.
You could see the acid passing through his stomach and hurting him.
The number 666 was engraved on the man’s
forehead. On his chest was a plate made of some unknown metal that
couldn't be destroyed, not even by the heat or the worms. It had some
letters written on it that we could not understand. The Lord, in His
great mercy, gave us the translation of what was written: "I am
here because I am a drunkard." He begged the Lord for mercy,
but the Word of God is very clear when it tells us in 1 Corinthians 6:10, "Thieves,
greedy people, drunks, slanderers, and robbers will not inherit the kingdom of
The Lord showed me the man's last moments on earth
as if I was watching a movie or film. Something like a large television
screen showed me his last seconds before his death. The man's name was
Luis and he was drinking in a bar. I saw the same table and the same
bottles in the bar. His friends were around the table. (I can
tell you this now, there is only ONE TRUE FRIEND, and His name is JESUS
He is the Faithful Friend.) Luis was drinking and his
friends were already drunk. His best friend took a bottle, broke it and
started stabbing Luis. When he saw Luis lying on the floor he ran away,
and Luis bled to death on the floor. The saddest thing was that he died
without the Lord.
In the middle of all this, as all those souls in
hell were crying out, I asked the Lord, "Oh Lord, please tell me, did
this man know about you? Did he know about your salvation?"
The Lord sadly replied, "Yes Lupe, he
knew about Me. He accepted Me as his personal Savior, but he did not
serve Me." Then I felt even more fear. Luis
cried louder and shouted, "Lord it hurts! It hurts! Please
have mercy on me!" He extended his hand again toward the Lord,
but Jesus took my hand instead and we walked away from the flames. The
flames consuming Luis became more intense, and he cried louder, "Have
mercy on me! Have mercy on me!!" He then disappeared in
the flames.
We continued walking. The place was huge and very
scary! We approached another flame and I said to the Lord, "Lord,
no! Please I don't want to see anymore of this! I beg You to forgive
me! Please forgive me! I don't want to see this!" I
closed my eyes, but it didn't matter; open or closed, I still saw
everything. The flame started to go down slowly and I began to see a
woman. She was covered with mud, and the mud was full of worms. She
had very little hair left, and she was caked with worm-infested mud.
was being consumed by the worms all over, and she shouted, "Lord, have
mercy on me! Lord, have mercy on me and forgive me! Look at
me! It hurts! Have mercy on me! Take away these worms!
Take me out of this torment, because it hurts so much!" The Lord
simply looked at her with great sorrow. As we held His hand, we could
feel the pain and sorrow in the Lord's heart for all the lost souls burning
eternally in the flames of hell.
The woman had no eyes or lips, but she could still
see and feel; her pain was just stronger. She had a bottle in her hands
that was full of acid, but she believed that it was perfume. I could see
that it was acid and that every time she sprayed her body it burned her.
Nevertheless, she still kept applying the acid to her body over and over
again. She kept saying that it was an expensive perfume. She also
believed that she was wearing a beautiful necklace, but all I saw were snakes
wrapped around her neck. She believed that she was wearing very expensive
bracelets, but I saw that they were actually worms, about a foot long,
furiously digging into her bones. She said that her jewelry was all she
had, but I saw scorpions and worms all over her body. She had a metal
plate that everyone wears in hell. It read, "I am here for robbery."
The woman had no remorse for her sin. The
Lord asked her, "Magdalena, why are you
here?" She answered, "It didn't bother me to
steal from others. The only thing I cared about was having my jewelry and
getting more expensive perfumes. I didn't care who I robbed as long as I
looked good." I held onto Christ's hand as I watched the worms
burrow through her entire body. Magdalena turned around looking for
something. I asked the Lord again, "Lord, did this person know
about you?" And the Lord answered, "Yes, this person knew me."
Magdalena started to look around, saying, "Lord
where is that woman who talked to me about You? Where is she? I
have been in hell for 15 years." All the people in hell can
remember everything. Magdalena kept asking, "Where is the
woman? I can't see her!" I knew her body could not turn
around because her flesh remained in the same position. She tried to turn
and look into other flames to find the woman who talked to her about God.
The Lord replied, "No! No,
Magdalena, she is not here. The woman that told you about Me is with Me
in the Kingdom of Heaven."
Upon hearing this, she threw herself down in the
flames, which burned her even more. Her metal plate condemned her as a
thief. I want you to read in the Word of the Lord in Isaiah 3:24, "It shall be,
that instead of a sweet smell, there will be rottenness; instead of a girdle, a
rope; instead of well-set hair, baldness; instead of a rich robe, a wrapping of
sack-cloth; instead of beauty, a branding mark."
As we continued walking with the Lord. I saw a very
large column filled with worms. Around it was a slide made of red-hot
metal. On the column was a brightly-lit billboard that could be seen from
everywhere. The billboard read, "Welcome all liars and gossipers."
At the end of the slide was a small boiling lagoon. It looked like
burning brimstone.
Then I saw a totally-naked person come down the
slide. As they slid, their skin peeled off and stuck to the slide.
When they fell into the burning lagoon, their tongue expanded until it exploded
and worms appeared in place of their tongue. This began their
torment. The Word of God says in Psalm 73:18-19, "Surely you
set them in slippery places; you cast them down to destruction. How are
they brought into desolation, as in a moment! They are utterly consumed with
After seeing this, we were taken back, out of
Hell. I just want to tell you that heaven and hell are even more real
than this physical world that we know. It is here where you decide which
direction you want to go: to spend eternity with Jesus or to a burning
hell. The Lord kept saying to us, "Without
holiness no man will see Me. Without holiness no man will see Me."
(Hebrews 12:14) That is why I tell you the same thing now, "Without
holiness you cannot see the Lord."
[Testimony by Sandra] Let's go to
the Word of the Lord in Matthew 10:28, "Do not be
afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; but rather fear Him
who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell."
Whenever a
soul arrives in hell, that person acquires a body of death. The Lord
Jesus took my hand and we began to go down through a very deep, dark tunnel
that led to the center of the Earth. We arrived at a place with several
doors. One of them opened and we entered it with the Lord. I would not
let go of the Lord's hand, because I knew that if I did I would stay in hell
Upon entering the door, I saw an enormous
wall. There were thousands of people hanging by their heads on hooks.
Shackles bound their hands to the wall. We also saw many thousands of
people standing in the midst of flames all around.
We went and stood in front of one of the flames,
and it started to go down slowly. Soon I could see a person inside. When
he spoke, I could tell it was a man. He was wearing a priest's garments,
which were totally filthy and shredded. Worms were slithering in and out
all over his body. He looked charred and burnt by the fire. His
eyes were gone and his flesh was melting and falling to the ground. But
after his flesh had all fallen off, it grew back, and the whole process started
When he saw Jesus he cried, "Lord, have
mercy on me! Have mercy on me! Please let me out of here for just a
moment! Just a minute!" On the man's chest was a metal
plate with the words, "I am here for robbery."
When Jesus came close, He asked the man, "What is your name?" The man
answered, "Andrew; my name is Andrew, Lord." The Lord
asked him, "How long you have been here?"
Andrew answered, "I have been here for a very long time."
The man began to tell his story. He said he had the responsibility of
collecting tithes and organizing the distribution of money to the poor in his
Catholic church. However, he would steal the money instead.
eyes full of compassion, the Lord asked him, "Andrew, have you ever heard the gospel?"
Andrew replied, "Yes Lord, there was a Christian woman who went to the
church and preached the gospel once, but I didn't want to accept it. I
didn't want to believe it then, but I believe it now! Now I believe that
this is real! Please Lord, take me out of here, even for just one moment!"
As he was speaking, worms were crawling into his
eye sockets, exiting his ears, and entering again through his mouth. He
tried to pull them off with his hands but couldn’t. He was shouting
horribly and kept begging God for mercy. He kept asking Jesus to take him
out of there. Even worse, demons were tormenting him by constantly
stabbing him with their spears.
The demons looked just like one of the
toy dolls that we have here on earth called, "The Jordanos." I
saw those dolls in hell, but they were not dolls anymore; they were alive and
demonic. They were about 3 feet tall and had very sharp teeth.
Blood came out of their mouths and their eyes were completely red.
They were stabbing Andrew with all their might, as
well as all those who were in these parts of hell. When I saw this, I
asked the Lord how it was possible for a doll on earth to look exactly like
those demons. The Lord told me that they were spirits of sadness.
As we continued, we saw thousands of people in
torment. Whenever a soul saw the Lord, they reached out toward Him with
their skinny hands. I noticed a woman that started to shout when she saw
Jesus. She screamed, "Lord, please have mercy on me! Take
me out of this place!" She was suffering greatly, and extended
her hands toward the Lord. She kept begging Him to take her out of there
even for just one second. She was totally naked and covered with
mud. Her hair was filthy and worms were slithering up and down her
body. She tried to take them off with her hands, but every time she
scraped some away they would multiply. The worms were about 6-8 inches
long. The Word of the Lord says in Mark 9:44, "Where their
worm never ceases and the fire is not put out"
It was horrifying to see this woman and hear her
cries as the worms voraciously ate her flesh. A metal plate was embedded
in her chest that could not be destroyed by the flames. It read, "I
am here for fornication." In the same manner as her sin, in hell
she was forced to fornicate with a very disgusting fat snake. The snake
had large thorns all over its body that were about 6-8 inches in length.
The snake penetrated her private parts and traveled inside her body up to her
throat. When the snake entered her, she started to scream.
She began begging the Lord more intensely to take
her out of there, "Lord, I am here for fornication. I have been here
for 7 years, since the time I died of AIDS. I had six lovers, and I am
here for fornication." In hell, she had to repeat her sin over
and over again. She had no rest day or night as she suffered the same way
continuously. She tried to extend her hands toward the Lord, but the Lord
just told her, "Blanca, it is too late
for you. Worms shall be your bed, and worms shall cover you." (Isaiah 14:11) When the Lord said those words, a blanket
of fire covered her, and I could no longer see her.
We continued
walking, seeing thousands and thousands of people. There were young
people, adults and elderly people suffering in torment. We arrived at a
place that looked like a big swimming pool of fire with thousands of men and
women inside. Each of them had a metal plate on their chest that read,
"I am here for not giving tithes and offerings." When I
read those words I asked the Lord, "Lord, how could it be possible that
people are here for that reason?" The Lord replied, "Yes, because they thought that giving tithes and offerings
were not important, when my Word shows it to be a command."
In Malachi 3:8-9 it says, "Will
a man rob God? Yet you are robbing Me. But you say, 'How have we
robbed You?' In tithes and offerings. You are cursed with a curse,
for you are robbing Me, the whole nation of you."
The Lord told me that when His people withhold
their tithes, the work of the Lord is hindered and the Gospel is not
preached. The people in that place suffered a thousand times worse than
the others, because they knew the Word of the Lord but disobeyed it.
We continued walking and the Lord showed me a man.
I could only see him from his waist up. I then started to have a vision of how
he died. His name was Rogelio. He was sitting in his car when a
person came up to him and preached the gospel to him and gave him a
Bible. But Rogelio ignored the person's warning and continued on his way,
not knowing that a few minutes later his car would have an accident. It
fell into a ravine, and he died shortly after.
The moment his car crashed, the Bible opened
to Revelation 21:8, "As for the
cowardly, however, and the unbelieving, and the depraved, the murderers, the
immoral, those practicing magic arts, and idolaters, and all liars—their lot is
in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur. This is the second death."
When Rogelio read this verse, he died and arrived in hell.
He had only been there one month and still had some
flesh on his face. However, he was suffering like everyone else. At
first, he did not know why he was in hell. I think that when that
Christian approached his car, it was the only and last chance for him to accept
the Lord Jesus, the same way that many have had the opportunity to accept
Him. Today, I invite you to open your heart to Jesus. He alone is the
Way, the Truth, and the Life. (John 14:6) Only through Him can we be saved and enter the
Kingdom of Heaven. (Acts 4:12) The Lord also asks us to follow His ways in
holiness and honor. God bless you.
God bless you brothers. When the Lord took my
hand, I saw that I was standing on a rock, and that an angel was standing
behind us. We began to go down through a tunnel at incredible
speed. I quickly turned around and saw that the angel was gone. I felt so
afraid. I asked the Lord, "Lord, where is the angel? Why
isn’t he still here?" The Lord said, "He cannot go where we are about to go."
We continued downward and then stopped abruptly, as
in an elevator. I saw several tunnels, and we went through the one that
my sister Sandra spoke about—the tunnel where people were hanging on hooks by
their heads, with shackles on their wrists. The wall that the people were
hanging on seemed to be infinitely long. Millions of people were hanging
on it. They had worms all over their bodies. I looked up ahead and
saw that there was another wall, exactly like the other. I said to the Lord,
"Lord! There are so many people here!"
Immediately, a Scripture verse came to mind, one that I did not
recognize. The Lord told me, "Hell
and Sheol are always hungry." (Proverbs 27:20)
We left
there and soon arrived at a place we called, "The Valley of the
Cauldrons." The cauldrons were full of boiling mud. We got close to
one of them. The first person that I saw was a woman. Her body
floated and sank with the boiling mud, but when the Lord looked at her, she
stopped moving and remained suspended in the mud with the mud up to her
waist. The Lord asked, "Woman, what
is your name?" She answered, "My name is
Her hair was full of boiling mud, and flesh hung
from her bones, which were charred black from the fire. Worms entered
through her eye sockets, came out through her mouth, entered again through her
nose, and exited her ears. When the worms could not enter, they simply
made a hole and entered other parts of her body, which caused her indescribable
She shouted, "Lord, please! Take me
out of here. Have mercy on me! I cannot continue like this any
longer! Make it stop Lord! I cannot stand it anymore! Please
have mercy on me!" The Lord asked her why she was there.
She said she was there because of vanity, which was also the word written on
the metal plate on her chest. In her hand was a common-looking bottle,
but to her it appeared to be a very expensive perfume. Rubiella had to
take the bottle, which was full of acid, and spray it all over her body.
The acid caused the flesh that she sprayed to melt, causing her great
She shouted to the Lord, "Lord, please,
have mercy on me! I cannot stay here any longer! Just a single second
Lord!" I am not saying that it is a sin to use perfume, but the
Lord told us that the woman was there because of her perfume, as the Word of
the Lord tells us in Deuteronomy 5:7, "You shall not
have other gods before me." She was there because her beauty,
perfumes, and vanity were first place in her life.
However, the Lord
Jesus is King of kings and Lord of lords! He must be first in your life;
that is why she was there. With sadness, the Lord looked at her and said,
"Rubiella, it is too late for you. Worms
shall be your bed, and worms shall cover you." When
the Lord said that, a blanket of fire covered her. As her body was being
consumed in the cauldron, she suffered horrible pain.
We then moved far away from there and arrived at a
place with giant doors. As we approached them, they opened for us.
On the other side we saw a giant cavern. As I looked up I saw different
color lights moving like a cloud of smoke. Suddenly, we heard
music—salsa, ballenato, rock, and different kinds of popular music that people
listen to on the radio. The Lord motioned with His hand, and we saw
millions and millions of people hung with chains by their hands. They
were jumping wildly over the fire.
The Lord looked at us and said, "Look, these are the wages of the dancers."
They had to jump wildly up and down to the beat of the music. If salsa
was playing, they had to jump to its beat; if any other kind of music was
playing, they had to jump to that its beat. They could never stop
jumping. But worse than that, their shoes had 6-inch spikes on the
bottom. When they jumped, the spikes pierced their feet. They never had a
moment's rest. When someone tried to stop, demons immediately came up and
stabbed them with spears and cursed them saying, "Praise him! This is your kingdom now! Praise
Satan! Praise him! You can't stop! Praise him! Praise
him! You have to praise him! You have to jump! You have to
dance! You cannot stop for one second!"
It is unfortunate that many of the people there
were Christians who knew the Lord, but were in nightclubs when they died.
You may be asking, "Where does it say in the Bible that it is wrong to
dance?" In James 4:4 the Word of God says, "Do you not realize, you adulteresses, that friendship with
the world is enmity toward God? Therefore, whoever determines to be a
friend of the world becomes God's enemy."
Also, in 1 John 2:15-17 it says, "Neither
love the world nor the things in the world. Whoever loves the world has
not the Father's love in his heart, because everything in the world, the
passions of the flesh, the desires of the eyes, and the proud display of life
have their origin not from the Father but from the world. And the world
with its lust passes away, but he who does the will of God remains for ever."
Remember, the world will pass away; all this will perish, but the one who does
the will of God stands forever.
My friends and brothers, while leaving that place,
we saw what looked like bridges that divided hell into different sections of
torment. We saw a spirit walking over a footbridge. It looked just
like a doll that people have on earth; people call them Treasure Trolls.
They have different color hair, with an old man's face but a child's body, and
no sexual parts. Their eyes are full of evil. The Lord explained
that they are spirits of loss. This spirit had a spear in his hands and
was walking pompously on the footbridge, like a queen or a pretty runway
As he walked, he stabbed people down below with his
spear. He cursed them saying, "Remember
the day you were outside a Christian church and you did not want to go
in? Remember the day they preached to you and you did not want to
listen? Remember the day they gave you a gospel tract and you threw it
away?" The lost souls tried to cover the areas where
their ears used to be. They replied to the demon, "Shut up!
Shut up! Don't tell me anymore! I don't want to know more! Shut up!"
However, the evil spirit enjoyed it because of the pain it caused them.
We continued walking with the Lord. While
looking at a large group of people, we noticed that one man was shouting louder
than any of the others who
were burning there. He was crying, "Father, Father, have mercy on
me!" The Lord was not going to stop to look at him, but when He
heard "Father" He trembled and turned around. Jesus
looked at him and said, "Father?
You call Me Father? No, I am not your Father and neither are you My son.
If you were My son, you would now be with Me in the Kingdom of
Heaven. You are sons of your father the devil."
Immediately, a blanket of fire came up and completely covered the man’s
The Lord told us the story of the man's life.
The man called Him “Father” because he had once known Him. He used to go
to church and listen to God through His Word, and he had received many promises
from God. So we asked, "What happened Lord? So, why is he
here?" The Lord replied, "He
was living a double life; he lived one way at home, and another at
church. He thought in his heart, 'Well, there is no one that lives close
to me, not the pastor or any other brother, so I can do whatever I want.'
But he forgot that the eyes of the Lord are set on all our ways, and that no
one can lie or hide from the Lord."
The Word of the Lord tells us, "Don't lie to yourselves; God cannot be deceived.
Because everything a man sows, the same he will harvest."
(Galatians 6:7) This man was suffering a thousand times worse
than the others. He was receiving a double condemnation—one for his sins,
and one for thinking he could deceive the Lord.
Today, people try to rank sins by their gravity;
they think that homosexuals, thieves, and murderers are greater sinners than
liars or gossips. But in the Lord’s eyes, all these sins have the same
weight and the same pay. The Bible tells us, "The wages of sin is death." "The soul that sins
will die." (Romans 6:23) (Ezekiel 18:20) My friends and brothers, I invite you now
to accept Jesus' invitation. Jesus will extend His hand of mercy to you
if you repent. The Word of the Lord tells us that mercy will be given to whoever
changes his ways and repents. It is much better to believe now than to
wait and find out the hard way later. God bless you.
The Word of God tells us in Romans 6:23, "For the wages
of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." When we went down there, I felt the anguish and
experience of being dead. I was very frightened by what I saw. I
realized that there were many, many people there, all shouting and crying
out. It was pitch-dark, but with the presence of the Lord, the darkness
disappeared. We saw thousands and thousands of souls, all crying out for
help and mercy. They cried out to the Lord to take them out of
there. We also felt great pain because we knew that the Lord suffered
greatly when He saw them.
Many cried out to the Lord to take them out for
just a minute, for just a second. The Lord would ask them, "Why do you want to get out?", and they
would answer, "Because I want to be saved! I want to repent and
be saved!" However, it was too late for them. Dear people who are listening to me now, now is the
only opportunity to choose our eternal destination. You can either choose
an eternal place of salvation, or an eternal place of condemnation.
We went farther down. I saw that the ground
we were walking on was being destroyed by fire; mud and flames were coming out
of it. There was also a terrible stench everywhere. We were very
upset and nauseous from the odor and the cries of all the people.
We saw a man in the distance who was waist deep in
burning mud. Whenever he took out his arms, the flesh on his bones would
fall off into the mud. We could see a
grey mist inside his skeleton, so we asked the Lord about it. The mist
was in every person in hell. The Lord told us it was their souls trapped
inside their bodies of sin, as is written in Revelation 14:11, "And the smoke
of their torment goes up forever and ever; they have no rest day and night,
those who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his
name." We began to understand many things that we had
ignored while on earth. The most important and clearest message was that our
lives on earth determine where we will spend eternity.
As we walked hand-in-hand with the Lord, we
realized that hell had many different parts with various levels of
torment. We came to a place with many cells that contained tormented
souls. The souls were being tormented by many different types of
demons. The demons would curse them, saying, "You cursed wretch, praise Satan! Serve him like you
did while you were on earth!" The souls suffered terribly
from worms, and fire was like an acid that covered their bodies.
We saw two men inside one of the prison cells. Each
of them had daggers in their hands and were stabbing the other. They were
saying to each other, "You cursed wretch! It's because of you
that I'm here! You made me come here because you blinded me to the truth
and didn't let me recognize the Lord! You didn't let me receive
Him! Many times I had the chance and you didn't let me accept Him!
That is why I'm here, tormented day and night!"
Through a vision, the Lord showed us their lives on
earth. We saw them in a bar together. An argument started that led
to a fight. They were already drunk. One of them took a broken
bottle and the other pulled out a knife. They fought until each of them
was mortally wounded and died. The two men were doomed to repeat that
scenario forever. They were also tormented by the memory that they had
been best friends on earth, like brothers in their love for each other.
I want to tell you today, there is just one real
friend, and His name is Jesus of Nazareth. He is the real friend.
He is the Faithful Friend who is with you every moment.
As we continued walking, we saw a woman inside
another cell. She was rolling around in the mud. Her hair was messed up
and full of mud. Inside the same cell was a large, fat snake. It
moved close to her, surrounded her body, and went inside of her starting at her
lower parts. She was forced to have sexual contact with the snake.
In that place, all the men and women who lived in fornication were forced to
repeat it there.
However, they had to do it with snakes covered with
6-inch spikes. The snake destroyed her body every time it went inside
her. She cried out to the Lord and asked Him to stop it. She did
not want to suffer anymore. "Make it stop! I won't do it
again! Please! Make it stop!" she begged the Lord, as the
snake went inside and destroyed her body over and over again.
We tried to cover our ears to her cries but we
could still hear her. We then tried even harder to cover our ears, but it
didn't help. We said to the Lord, "Please Lord, we don't want to
see and hear this anymore! Please!" The Lord said, "It is necessary that you see this, so you can tell the
others, because My people are being destroyed; My people are ignoring the true
salvation, the true road to salvation."
We continued walking and saw a giant lake with
thousands and thousands of people in the midst of flames. They waved
their hands asking for help, but there were many demons flying over that
place. The demons used spears with S-curved spearheads to hurt the people
burning in the lake. The demons mocked and cursed them saying, "You cursed wretch! Now you must worship
Satan! Praise him! Praise him as you did while you were on earth!"
There were thousands and thousands of people. We were so frightened; we
felt that if we did not hold onto the Lord's hand we would be left in that
horrifying place. We were terrified by the things we were feeling.
In the distance we saw a man who was standing up
and in very great pain and agony. Two demons were flying over him
tormenting him. They would dig their spears into his body and take out
his ribs. They also continually ridiculed him. Even further, the
Lord showed me that he was tormented by constantly worrying about the family he
had left behind on earth.
The man didn't want his family to arrive in
that same place of torment. He was worried because he never gave them the
message of salvation. He was tormented because he remembered that they
once had a chance to receive the message. He had a responsibility to give
the message to his family, but he chose to ignore it, and now he was worried
about his sons and his wife.
The torment continued as the demons cut off his
arms, and he fell into the burning mud. Because of the pain from the
burning mud, he squirmed around like a worm. His flesh fell from his
bones because of the heat. He then started to slither like a snake to try
to get out of there. But every time he tried to get out, the demons
pushed him back and he went deeper into the mud.
We then saw a number of demons in one place.
Something caught my attention; I noticed that one of the demons was missing a
wing. I asked the Lord, "Lord, why is that demon missing one
wing?" The Lord replied, "That
demon was sent up to earth for one purpose. But he did not accomplish his
mission, and was cast back to hell by one of the servants of God. Then
Satan came and punished him, and cut off one of his wings."
Then we understood that as Christians we have all authority and power in the
name of Jesus to cast out all demons and principalities.
Dear friends who are listening to these words right
now, this testimony is not for condemnation, but salvation, so you can test
yourself and see the condition of your heart before the Lord. This is so
that you can change your ways, for salvation and not for condemnation.
Right now, lift your heart before the Lord and confess your sins, so that if
the Lord came at this moment you could go with Him, instead of go to that place
of torment where there is crying and gnashing of teeth. There you will
clearly understand why Jesus paid such a high price on Calvary's Cross.
We saw many people in hell who didn’t know why they
were there. Their lives were full of activities that they didn't think
were sinful. Dear friend, test yourself! Do not think that lying,
stealing, and being conceded are okay things to do! These are all sins
before the eyes of the Lord! Dear brothers, turn away and stop doing
these things! I'm giving you this message so you can stop willfully
sinning, and look even more to the face of the Lord.
Psalms 62:12, "And to Thee,
O Lord, belongs covenant love, for Thou rewardest every man according to his
work." The morning that the Lord visited us in that room,
He took us by the hand and we started to go down. My heart was completely
full of fear; I can't even describe it. I only knew that I could not let
go of my Savior’s hand—I felt that Jesus was my Life and my Light, and all my
hope was in Him—otherwise I would be left behind in that place. I never
thought that I would ever go there. I didn't even believe that such a
place existed. Even as a Christian, I had always thought that purgatory
was hell. But God showed me the truth about hell.
When we arrived in hell, I felt the place
shake. All the demons there ran to hide, because not one of them could
endure the presence of the Lord. We heard the captive souls begin to
shout even louder because they knew that Jesus of Nazareth was there.
They all knew that there was just one Person that could possibly get them out
of there. They had that hope, even though it was a false hope.
We walked hand-in-hand with Jesus, and arrived at
the section of fornication. Jesus turned to look at a woman who was
totally covered with fire. When Jesus saw her, she started to come out
slowly from the fire, although her sufferings never stopped. We
could see she was totally naked, and saw all of her physical
Her body was filthy, and she stunk. Her hair was
messed up, and she was covered with a yellowish green mud. She had no
eyes and her lips were falling apart. She had no ears, just the
holes. With her hands, which were bones charred black, she took the flesh
that was falling from her face and tried to put it back on. But this
caused her even more pain.
She then shuddered and shouted even more; her cries
never ended. She was full of worms, and there was a snake wrapped around
her arm. It was very thick and had thorns around its body. She had
the number 666 engraved on her body, the number
of the Beast mentioned in the book of Revelation. (Revelation 13:16-18) She also had a plate embedded in
her chest that was made of an unknown metal; it wasn’t consumed by the
fire. On the plate was something written in a strange language. However,
we could understand what was written on it. It read, "I am here
because of fornication."
When Jesus saw her, He asked her, "Elena, why are you here?" While
Elena was answering the Lord her body squirmed due to the pain of her
suffering. She said that she was there because of fornication. She asked
the Lord for forgiveness over and over again.
Then we started to see how she died. When she
died, she was having sex with one of her lovers, because she thought that the
person she was living with was away on a trip. However, he came back from
his job and found her in bed with someone else. He then went to the
kitchen, took a long knife and stuck it in Elena's back. She died and was
taken to hell exactly the way she died, totally naked.
In hell, everything materialized; she still had the
long knife in her back, which caused her great pain. By this time, she
had already been in hell for 7 years, and she could remember every moment of
her life and death. She also remembered when someone tried to preach to
her about Jesus, that He was the only One who could save her. But now it
was too late for her and for everyone else in hell.
The Word of the Lord talks a lot about fornication,
and it is very clear. Fornication is having sexual relations outside of
marriage. 1 Corinthians 6:13 says, "Food
for the stomach and the stomach for food, but God will destroy both of
them. Now the body is not for fornication, but for the Lord; and the Lord
for the body." Also, in 1 Corinthians 6:18 it says, "Flee
from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body,
but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body."
When Jesus finished talking with her, she was covered
by a large blanket of fire, and we could no longer see her. But we could
hear the sound of her flesh burning and her horrifying screams. I can't even
describe them in words.
As we continued to walk with the Lord, He showed us
all the people there: the idol worshipers, those who used and practiced
witchcraft, the immoral, adulterers, liars, and homosexuals. We were very
frightened; the only thing we wanted to do was leave. But Jesus kept
saying that it was necessary for us to see, so we could tell others so they
might believe.
We continued with Jesus, holding His hand even
tighter. We came to a section that really made an impression on me.
We saw a young man, 23 years old, suspended waist-high in the middle of a
fire. We couldn't see exactly what his torment was, but the number 666
was engraved on him. He also had a metal plate on his chest that read,
"I am here for being normal." When he saw Jesus, he
extended his hand toward Jesus begging for mercy. The Word of God says
in Proverbs 14:12, "There is a
way that seems right to a person, but its end is the way of death."
When we read the plate that said, "I am
here for being normal," we asked the Lord, "Lord, why!?
Is it possible for a person to come to this place for that reason?"
Then Jesus asked him, "Andrew, why are
you here in this place?" He answered, "Jesus,
when I was on earth, I thought that just killing and stealing were sins. That
is why I never tried to get close to You." In Psalms 9:17 it says, "The
wicked shall be turned into hell, all the heathen that forget God."
Andrew made a big mistake by classifying sins, like
many people do today. The Bible is very clear when it says that the wages
of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life. (Romans 6:23)
Furthermore, when the Bible talks about
sin, it never classifies sins; they are all just sins. Andrew had the
chance to know and accept Jesus, but he didn't take the opportunity that God
had given to him. Maybe he had a thousand opportunities to know the Lord,
but he never wanted to know Him, and that is the reason he is there. Then
a large blanket of fire covered his body and we never saw him again.
We continued walking with Jesus. In the
distance we saw something falling, like chunks of something. When we got
closer, we realized that they were people who were falling into
hell at that moment—people that had just died on earth without having accepted
Jesus Christ in their hearts; they were just arriving in hell.
We saw a young man. Many demons ran toward him and
began to destroy his body. Immediately, his body began to be filled with
worms. He shouted, "No! What is this? Stop! I don't
want to be here! Stop it! This must be a dream! Take me out
of here!" He didn't even know that he was dead, and that he had
died without Jesus in his heart. The demons were ridiculing him and
torturing his body. Then the number 666 appeared on his forehead, and a
metal plate appeared on his chest. Even though we couldn't see the reason
that he was in hell, we knew for certain that he would never get out.
The Lord told us that the torments of all these
people in hell would be even greater on the Day of Judgment. If they are
suffering in such a terrible and horrifying way now, I can't imagine how
they will suffer after the Day of the Judgment.
We didn't see any children there. We only saw
thousands and thousands of young people, men, and women of many nationalities.
Nevertheless, in hell there are no nationalities or social classes; all are
there to be tormented and punished. There was one thing that they all
wanted, and that was a chance to get out, for just a second. They also wanted
to have one drop of water to refresh their tongues, as in the story of the rich
man in the Bible.
(Luke 16:19) But this was no longer possible. They chose
where they wanted to spend eternity. They decided to spend it without
God. God never sends anyone to hell; everyone is there because of their
own deeds. In Galatians 6:7 it says, "Make
no mistake, God will not be mocked. What a person sows, he will reap."
Today you have a great opportunity to change your
eternal destiny. Jesus is still available today, and the Bible says that
while we have life we also have hope. Today you have life. Don't miss
this opportunity; it might be your last one.
The Bible is real plain, we
are all sinners, and whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be
saved. Jesus said if you will confess me
before men, publicly, then I will in turn confess your name before my heavenly
Father and the Holy angels. But if you
deny me before men, I will deny you before my Father. Remember, Jesus hung
naked on a cross, in a market place, he hung there for you, He endured your
shame. If you want to make that decision for the Lord Jesus Christ, then say
this prayer:
believe in you. You are my
Creator. I am a sinner. I sinned in many ways, wilfully, and
unconsciously. I've fallen short. I've missed the mark. I'm stained
with sin. Jesus I believe in You. You are the eternal Son of God.
You're the Lamb of God, who takes away the
sin of the world, who takes away my sin.
I believe You died on a cross, shedding Your innocent blood for my
guilty soul. I believe You were buried
and on the third day You arose.
You are
alive forever more. I call You my
Lord. I call You my Saviour. I give You my life. I will love You,
serve you for the rest of my
days. I belong to You, the good parts,
the bad parts, the sinful parts, all my plans, all my dreams, I give
to you. Thy will be done in me. I believe I'm saved. Not by good
works, but by faith, by trusting
in you. In Jesus I pray. Amen."
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Description : --- (1st Testimony) The Bible, the Word of God, is very clear about the subject of heaven and hell. In below scripture passage...
If you wish to escape the eternal fiery burning torment of HELLL FIRE inorder to make HEAVEN, you must accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal saviour today because tomorrow is never promised. You must restitute and confess all your sin unto God and also ensure you joined “ a Bible Believing Church for more spiritual growth” However, if you are a Christian and still indulges into various kinds of sins such as......
Envy, anger, unforgiveness, lying, hatred, malice, murmuring, gossiping, stealing, taking or giving bribe, exams malpractice, fraud, smuggling and robbery. Perhaps you into masturbation, fornication, adultery, prostitution, Lusting after MONEY and SEX, abortion, lesbianism, homosexuality, kidnapping, ritual killings and assassination; You must confess and repent today.
Perhaps you into drunkenness, fighting and quarreling, alcoholism, smokers, divorcee, polygamous marriage, occultism. Consultaton of native doctors for charms making. PRAYING in the name of MARY or any Saints or Angels, BOWING DOWN or HONORING THEM. You must renounce all these abominables and plead for God's mercy
Perhaps as a Woman you still given-in into vile affection "CHANGING THE NATURAL USE OF YOUR BODY INTO THAT WHICH IS AGAINST NATURE" Therefore indulging yourself into worldly fashions, dressing in transparent clothes, wearing of mini and tightly skirts or WEARING OF TROUSERS (pant). Exposing your breast, lapse to seduce men. Painting lips, fixing attachments, weave-on, jewelries and earrings. Making-up, putting on extra eye lashes, piercing of noses, tattoos, nails fixing and body bleaching
You must repent, dispose and burnt them off and ensure you maintain your natural beauty because unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God.
Remember; your soul is precious and was costly purchase by the Blood of Jesus Christ and you can't afford to lose "yours" in Hell for the next billions and trillions of years in ETERNITY with eternal sorrow, tears, anguish and hopeless of ever coming-out due to mere pleasure and fashion of this world that PASSETH-AWAY which you can easily forsakes NOW and run to Heaven.
Oh Heaven; a place of an everlasting joy, without tears, sorrow and neither pains but rather filled with happiness and God's glory. Please my beloved, "Don't Miss Heaven" and I pray to see you in that Glorious City very soon. Please Say Below short prayer and get right with God today.
Dear Lord Jesus Christ; I admit that I am a sinner. I have done many things that don’t please you. I have lived my life for myself only. I am sorry, and I repent. I ask you to forgive me. I believe that you died on the cross for me, to save me.
You did what I could not do for myself. I come to you now and ask you to take control of my life; I give it to you. From this day forward, help me to live every day for you and in a way that pleases you. I love you, Lord Jesus, and I thank you that I will spend all eternity with you in Jesus name i pray. Amen